I am confused why wanting equal access to health care, affordable access to health care, easy access to health care is even debated? I am confused why anyone who likes to speak on God’s behalf, recite the 10 Commandments, has a copy of the Constitution in their back pocket would not be going ballistic because the Affordable Care Act is not called the Universal Health Care Act? I am confused why providing health care for all is called socialism, an attack on free markets, a ploy to raise taxes, the end of democracy as we know it instead of one of the greatest gifts the American government has provided for its citizens?
I am confused why there is conflict, partisan attacks when laws to make life better, healthier, fairer for ALL Americans is suggested. I am confused why those who believe in God believe that if you can’t afford it then you don’t deserve it as if God wanted it that way? I am confused whenever a vote is necessary to create equality, provide civil rights, deny racism, homophobia, bigotry, keep you from dying? I am confused why a big government is not necessary in providing affordable health care to maintain a life, but damned well important to tell you when life begins? I am confused why anyone would not feel like a winner with the Supreme Court’s ruling today?
Today, provided me with some hope that honest intentions may prevail in our mired and morose world of politics. Today, provided me with a teeny, tiny ounce of hope that government has the responsibility to try and even the playing field for ALL Americans when it does come to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today provided me with a spark of optimism that people, not profits, people not corporations deserve to stand in front of the line. Today provided me with encouragement that once the truth is told and the facts realized good can happen.
And then Mitt Romney took to the podium and told the crowd at hand “As you might imagine I disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, and I agree with the dissent, what the court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected President of t he United States, and that is I will act to repel Obama Care. Lets be clear about what the court did and did not do. The court said that Obama care does not violate the Constitution. What they did not do was say Obama-care was a good law or its good policy, Obama care is bad policy yesterday, its bad policy today.
And the most confusing thing for me is that there are people out there without health care, with inadequate health with expensive health care who will vote for this man. And I am most confused why none of them who believe Mitt Romney actually is correct in his self serving rhetoric have not asked a basic question, what will you do when you repeal this? How will your plan keep me well and alive?
Today was a good day in America, hope tomorrow is the same.
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