“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision”. (Helen Keller)
Today, climbing out from under a rock covered with hate and bogus, Sister Sarah Palin hit the headlines on Fox. She painted on her gloating jeer smile, and speaking out from emptiness surrounded by stupidity she announced that the win by Scott Walker in Wisconsin’s recall election proved that Austerity is the key for the future. Not one to be led by anyone else but her own whims of fantasy, Sister Sarah has strayed from the Republican/Tea Party line that all the measures to cut the social services net and the personal freedoms of Americans is all a Prosperity measure. But both Prosperity and Austerity must sound like the same word to Sister Sarah, and like her lack of knowledge in understanding the differences between refute and repute Sister Sarah just shouted the first word she could remember.
Sister Sarah said she could see Russia from her back porch and that was her full grasp of the world’s affairs. She might now claim that she can see Europe from her front lawn, but if she can how come she has no idea that the Euro Zone is bending and shaking because too much Austerity hasn’t worked.
Sister Sarah sees America and the world from eyes that offer no clue to the reality of what they are looking at. How pathetic is that to have sight but no vision?
“Knowledge is love and light and vision”. (Helen Keller)
As if God is deaf and dumb, the many Christians who finish their ‘Amen’ and then immediately spew a hate for Gays, Women’s reproductive rights, workers fair pay, food stamps, the environment, think that their every day actions are not seen or heard by the God they say told them to do his bidding in the first place. They look at the Bible find the passages and phrases necessary to fan their flames of bias and bigotry praise the Lords mighty words and carry on as if their God reigned over Hell instead of Heaven.
These self proclaimed religious who see God while in church seem blind to the miracles they given him credit for creating in the real world. These holier than thou’s who see chapter and verse in the Scripture are blind to the meaning of the print on the page. These Christian Crusaders see black or white but seem to always miss the gray, the real stuff by which thew world is made.
The Ministers, Preachers, Pastors and Priests try to fill the heads of the people seeking truth and justice with knowledge but knowledge based only on a human’s failed understanding of things greater then their own petty jealousies and fears. This knowledge is never full of love but of self preservation hoping the lemming will not question his/her intentions. These false prophesies of fulfillment, end up doing the Lord’s hate instead of love, are always done in the dark filled with clouds of anger and guilt. These lies told which the many are told to never question are dark and dingy, leaving no vision of choice, or conscience.
The deed doers for God lack knowledge of a Greater love, light and vision.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”. (Helen Keller)
‘En Masse’, like soldiers in a battle, like rats following the notes of a Pied Piper, like moths attracted to a bulb only to burn and singe when reaching the light, the Republican Tea Party elected politicians say no to anything jobs, personal freedoms, the economy or the common citizen. It is not about the people but about the puppet masters who pay the politicians.
If the bottom line for the Corporation is infringed upon by taxes, regulations, if the 1% must provide their fair share, if control of the nation’s future does include the greed necessary to maintain ‘we vs they’ then any deed done must be averted.
We are told Capitalism is the salvation for the heart of this nation. We are told that the rich must remain rich because they create the jobs, albeit the jobs that will suddenly be more like slave labor paid at slave labor prices. We are told too much government is the lead to Socialism, Naziism, Communism except of course when it deals with sex, your body, or love (then too much government is not enough). We are told Defense, War, Invasion is good. Some of us dare to wonder if all of the money is spent for weapons and killing, what use is a country whose citizens just eek out an existence because all the money was spent on the Military/Industrial Complex?
Why do those Americans who watch FOX, listen to Limbaugh, buy Palin’s books think the Republican/Tea Party politicians even see the pain and suffering of the average American. Why do so many say they see the promises made by the Republicans/Tea Party as real when instead at the end of the promise is dread and doom. And how come the Republican/Tea Party can lead so many without any vision for anyone but their own self interests?
What happened to the seeing how you have lived in the past and using that knowledge for vision ahead?
Too bad for many an American they can not see the world as Helen Keller did!
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