Thursday, November 7, 2013

end equality

And now equality is raring its scary head one more time with the pushing for the passage of ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) Legislation proposed in the Unites States Congress that would prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity by civilian, nonreligious employers with at least 15 employees. The conservative Christian dominated Heritage Foundation, largely focused on right-wing economic policy/culture war demanded a vote against the bill, saying it "threatens fundamental civil liberties" by "coerc[ing companies] into accepting the federal government’s set of values.” John Boehner a Roman Catholic who has been clear that as a Catholic same-sex marriage is not a real marriage insisted that if ENDA was enacted all it would do is damage small businesses and cause frivolous lawsuits. 
I have had enough of religious bigots complaining that via their interpretation of the Bible or their personal relationship with God they are feeling as the oppressed and they are victims of discrimination. I am tired of self proclaimed soldiers for God to refuse any minority the same rights, privileges and laws they enjoy. I am tired of the bully insisting that if they don’t beast up the victim first they might end up bloodied themselves. I am so tired of blaming human frailties, phobias, hatreds and hostility on God. I am tired of being told that because I am Gay I am the issue.

The Heritage Foundation is a scary group of wealthy men and women who want deny and diminish the rights of people they fear. They like to pick and choose which federal laws feel good and which ones disrupt their need to destroy democracy. To not insist that all discrimination end has little to with a true belief in religion but more of a belief in bigotry. Picking and choosing who can fire an LGBT person makes no sense in country proclaiming to be a democracy. ENDA will not prohibit you from insisting your God only likes people like you, but it will stop you from firing anyone who is not like you. ENDA will not block the entrance to your biased church, but it will not permit you to block me from the work place because I am Gay. ENDA will not threaten you belief in a God who hates, but it will deny you the right because you hate me to fire me. Why oh why do the so called religious Christian Conservatives have such trouble believing in a God who simply believes in equality?

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