Saturday, November 2, 2013

food glorious food

“Food glorious food, we’re anxious to try it! Three banquets a day, our favorite diet! (lyrics to Food Glorious Food, from the play ‘Oliver’

Hunger is hard. Most Americans, thank goodness, can complain about having too much to eat, or the food at the restaurant was awful and even  say that they are tired so often eating the same things. Hunger is hard. Most Americans can browse a menu and state how confused they are at which main course they should choose, get frustrated that the rare steak was too well cooked, or that the potatoes were cold. Hunger is hard.Hunger is hard. But most people who eat and eat and eat,whose only concern is choosing a new restaurant, whose only chore is finding a new restaurant is not anything about hunger. The Tea Party/Republican House of representatives who believe Jesus is the president of the USA, today decided that those who receive food stamps, are outliers, users, parasites and for that punishment should go hungry. Rush Limbaugh a multimillionaire spokesperson for the greedy and gluttonous decried any idea that cutting food stamps would keep people hungry insisting that it is just a liberal progressive piece of propaganda. So what if poor people, American Vets, seniors have a $36 a day cut in their food stamp allocation, they are bottom dwellers and deserve to starve if they cannot afford to buy enough food to not go hungry.  If you want to eat then work…if you want to eat make at least a sensible minimum wage…if  you think you actually deserve three meals a day…don’t count on the Tea Party/Republicans to help you out with that.

‘All Food, glorious food! What wouldn’t we give for, That extra bit more- - -Thats all we live for’ (lyrics from ‘Food Glorious Food’ from the play ‘Oliver” According to Christian Evangelicals like Michelle Bachman recently converted Catholics like Newt Gingrich, and the lively so called Libertarians like Rand Paul, hunger is self inflicted. If you work, no new jobs bills, if you really care, no motivation to increase your wages, if you truly believed in Jesus, apparently he never had a penchant for the poor, you would earn enough money to never starve. According to the Christian Conservative Right Wing obstructionists, hunger is your own fault. Jesus frowned upon you for being so selfish as to even say aloud you are hungry. Hunger hurst, but for the Tea Party/Republican it is a self inflected pain.

‘Why should we be fated to do nothing but brood on food, magical food, wonderful food, glorious food’, (lyrics from the play ‘Oliver’)
Such a shame, such a sinister misdeed, such a selfish act to insist that hunger is nothing more then a self inflicted wound. Such un-Christian actions by those who invoke God’s name to give permission for hate. Such un-American behavior by those who drape themselves in the Flag and Constitution. Such abhorrent arrogance by those who refuse to acknowledge the common good preferring division and divide. Hunger hurts and until you have only eaten one meal a day, eaten just a sliver, prioritized health care, shelter over sustenance you will never know just how much hunger hurts. This used to be America, a country where it did take a village to survive!

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