My mother and her sister my Aunt Meercy were the best of sisters and friends. As they both became widowed and found themselves in their 70’s their friendship grew and grew. My aunt never had children and my mothers four kids became my aunts extended family. It was great to have two moms and all of my siblings felt the same way. My mother lived in Pittsburgh and my aunt lived in North Miami Beach. My mother would fly south in the winter and my aunt made sure she was in Pittsburgh for the Jewish holidays. Both ladies however were great travel companions and traveled together to visit me in the variety of cities I had called home. The two loved each other but perhaps sisters are sisters no matter what and somehow the sister rivalries of youth manage to hang on in an older age
My two moms were visiting me in Northern California. Because of course I was my mothers son through birth whenever the two ladies traveled in my car my mother sat up front and my aunt in the back. Both women somewhere in their early 70’s shared a loss of hearing. So having one in the front and one in the back was far from conducive to a normal conversation. Often times my mother would talk over my aunt or more often times I would have to translate in my BIG voice what one had said because both ladies would look at me and ask what did she say. I loved both of them and with all the wherewithal I could muster I would diligently act as the interpreter. My mother was married twice in her life. The first time to a man who was the father of my two older sisters. He had passed before my birth and it seemed anyone who ever knew him had kind words for him. The second man was my dad, who by the time I moved to NoCal had also passed. He too was well liked. My aunt was also a widow, and living in NoCal had been a widow for 5 years. He too was a good soul. My mother had sworn that once my dad died she was forgoing the company of men let alone another husband. My aunt never took that oath and in the fourth and fifth year of her widowhood began dating.
My aunt was a popular woman in her condo complex, a fact that made my mother smile but also seemed to churn in a part of her stomach attached to the jealous organ. So here we are in the car driving to some shopping mall when my aunt says to my mother, “Rena I had two men ask me out on a date for the same night. “What, my mother said, you’re dating two men, shame on you.” “No mom, I said, acting as the go-be-tween, two men asked her out on the same night.” Same thing she said shame on you for leading them on.” “Why are you angry with me, my aunt said, “ask her, Gerry if she is jealous of me.” “Are you jealous of her, I sheepishly said” “NEVER, said my mother. Jumping in on the word NEVER my aunt said, you are jealous because I want men in my life and you don’t!” My mother hearing this turned her head to toward the backseat and said, “ well you’re fat!”
CNN's Don Lemon recently called Rush Limbaugh a "stunt king" for saying that LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling was in so much trouble because he hadn't donated enough money to President Obama. In response, Limbaugh randomly brought up the fact that Lemon is gay. Rush then added, Well, over at CNN, they interpreted [my comments about Sterling] to mean that I was defending Sterling!" "How did they get there? I don't know how they get there. Erin Burnett played the sound bite and then went to Mr. Black Hole himself, Don Lemon—who sleeps with men, proudly!
My mother and aunt were two grown adults, but somehow the inevitable found its way to make any conversation meaningless. At that stage of her life my aunt was fat, something my mother had experienced between her many diets also. Don Lemmon is gay Rush, came out of the closet, its a fact Rush. How silly you have become in your commentary, and how juvenile. Oh by the way Rush, as a matter of fact, well you’re fat!