Days after Senate Republicans unanimously blocked a vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act,he conservative activist Phyliss Schlafly also noted that women do not deserve equal pay because they "work fewer hours per day, per week, per year” and “place a much higher value on pleasant working conditions: a clean, comfortable, air-conditioned office with congenial co-workers.” Schlafly concluded “that the best way to empower women"is to improve job prospects for the men in their lives, even if that means increasing the so-called pay gap.”(Huff Post) Republican congresswoman Marsha Blackburn said on Sunday that women "don't want" equal pay laws. "I think that more important than that is making certain that women are recognized by those companies. You know, I’ve always said that I didn’t want to be given a job because I was a female, I wanted it because I was the most well-qualified person for the job. (Huff Post)
I am a father of a daughter, (a young woman), the brother of three sisters all women in their 60’s and 70’s) friends and compatriots with women aged 20 something to mid 80’s. My mother was a woman and when I was the Executive Director of Jewish Community Centers I supervised quite a few women. I am not a woman but all those people in my life are! Yet listening to two women loud and proud who discourage fairness, equality, justice disparaging any attempt by women to be more then subservient pawns or worse chattel for men makes me sick. I am not a woman but an American who believes that all people (no matter their gender, their sexuality, their color of skin, their religious affiliation or non affiliation, wealthy or drowning in poverty) do not deserve the rantings and outright bias to these women who are so removed from the real world that it is scary. These two women happy to encourage a divide in fair and just.
Mrs Phyliss Schlafly uses the Bible to guide her hatred for equity of women sighting the words and deeds of a hierarchy of men to decide the welfare of women and Mrs Marsha Blackburn is most likely receiving a hefty political contribution from the boys in Board room for insisting that the market place (which as yet to prove it cares for the welfare of women) will create an equal playing field for females. The arrogance of ignorance by both women to promote a second class citizenship for women is appalling. Both Mrs Schlafly, and Blackburn seem to surround themselves with ideas not based on any ideals. Women it seems, in their world should be happy knowing that Big Daddy may bestow a little kindness and feed, feather, marry and manage them. I am not a woman and amaze however that women of America after hearing just these sampling of remarks demeaning women have not demanded an apology. I am an American and I find these statements very un what this nation is supposed to represent toward its citizenry. for Mrs Schlafly and Blackburn the lyrics of their song shout, “…I am woman hear me purr…”
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