Mom guilty of beating her son to death, fearing he was gay Prosecutors said 25-year-old Jessica Dutro abused, tortured and ultimately killed her son Zachary in August 2012 while living with her boyfriend, Brian Canady, and three other kids at a shelter in Tigard.(… Lorraine Mae Rafferty, a Republican candidate for governor in Oregon, equated same-sex marriage with murder during an interview with The Oregonian on Tuesday. “I would have to say, I definitely believe that that is wrong,” Rafferty said when confronted with the possibility of a ballot initiative that would legalize gay marriage in Oregon. “I believe it’s a sin, just the same as murder’s a sin.”… In just the first 60 seconds of this interview with Franklin Graham, the son of charismatic preacher Billy Graham, viewers are treated to his condemnation of gay adoption as "recruitment," fear-mongering about a political gay agenda, as well as a strong endorsement of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s harsh polices toward the LGBT individuals (Charlotte Observer)
A heterosexual female with the ability to physically have kids, a potential politician with the ability to get elected, a supposed man of God with the ability to preach and with the words they utter, the deeds they do resulting in homophobia with rancid, ruinous, deep divide and destruction. All three so deeply flawed yet able to live their life without any concern for those around them. All three sad shells of humans thinking that God has spoken to them insisting they hate misrepresenting any semblance of holy or hallowed. All three thinking that just being a heterosexual is the only necessary virtue to cast aspersions on others.
Where does hate originate? How does hate thrive? Do we learn it from Mom and Dad and just repairing a car or baking the best bread make it easy to emulate? Do we learn it from our Churches/Temples/Mosques reciting the devious prayers from men and women who are in the business of acting like God? Do we learn it from the media where if it is printed the source or background is not necessary? Do we then take the hate we learned so well and murder, chastise, discriminate, eliminate? Here is a joke: A Mother a Politician a Clergy Man all walk into a bar and no one who is homosexual walks out.
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