"Come on. Enemies, who would utterly annihilate America, they who'd obviously have information on plots, to carry out Jihad. Oh, but you can't offend them, can't make them feel uncomfortable, not even a smidgen," she said. ”Well, if I were in charge, they would know that water boarding is how we’d baptize the terrorists” ( Sarah Palin, speaking Saturday at the National Rifle Association's “Stand and Fight”)
Dear Sarah, I have missed your very un-Christian and un-American rantings and ravings. I have also missed your sentence structure, speaking as if you had no idea how the English language works. But the one thing I will never miss is the fact that you might have been Vice President of a nation and dumbed it down even more so then it currently happens to be. You are such a strong confident woman when you speak in front of crowds who have never understand the Constitution and groups of people who think Jesus carried a gun, was a slave owner, was a general in the Revolutionary War or that this nation was founded as a Christian bastion. You are at the ready to shout out some cute little moronic phrases to individuals who never seek substance but love the sap. You never take a question from the ‘lame street press’ but insist that as long as what you is derogatory to self proclaimed demographics free speech lives.
I can’t imagine how a person whose husband belonged to an Alaskan secessionist organization, who had to leave an elected office because the amount of possible court actions for inappropriate behavior would sink the states budget, who can’t even have a normal discussion with her daughter about safe sex, who sees Russia from her back yard and considers that foreign policy is still an icon of sorts? But then again your minions consist of Racists, Bigots, Misogynists, Homophobes who prefer FOX News to real facts and Rush Limbaugh to normalcy. You love to support people like Ted Nugent a draft dodger, George Zimmerman a crazed gun owner who likes to murder beat up people, Ted Cruz, who believes poor Americans should die if they can’t afford health insurance and Christine O’Donnell a witch. And yet you have the audacity to say “liberals are “attacking gun rights" in addition to the United States' "foundational values and tradition.”
You scare me Sarah, not because of your intelligence or savvy or sophistication but because it seems Americans of a certain ilk love a circus and you are one mother of a clown. You scare me Sarah because you actually take yourself seriously as if the words written for you the thoughts put in your mouth do anything but create divide and turmoil. You scare me Sarah because somehow in America of 2014, the dumb out number the smart; and you Sarah are a ringleader of the stupid.
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