We have always been told that the dark can be a scary place. Horror movies abound in which the dark room, the dark basement, the dark woods are always a haven for the most insidious of creatures. Be home before dark, don’t walk down dark alley ways, don’t trick or treat if the front of the house is dark. Most of the time we are warned if it is so dark, so very bleak and black it must hide something forbidden!
But it seems in the land of American power and politics dark is the new light. The average citizen hears about dark money paid to politicians and their campaigns, you know the kind of big funding that can not be traced easily. Dark money from men and women and the third gender of humankind, corporations who want to buy the elections. We have to wonder however, if these people are so proud of supporting a politician, so eager to embrace his or her biased policies, why then spend all of your dark money to keep any kind of truth hidden?
We also have corporations who like to modify the produce we eat, live stock feed, even the sprays and pesticides we use for our gardens. Suddenly not informing the public on all of the ingredients used in growing or preparing the food we eat is cool. Keeping the public in the dark somehow as to what it took to grow crops is more American then the right to know just how many lethal chemicals were used to make those apples so red, those corn stalks so high, those plump cows so fat. Keep the facts in the dark, but if the corporations are so proud of their final products why must it be such a mystery?
And now the state of Ohio wants to place a dark shadow over who provides the faulty chemicals for lethal injections of death row inmates and keep even darker the recipes used to make those chemicals so lethal. If death row inmates have been found guilty of a crime and the justice system demands death why must the public be kept in the dark as to how the deed is done? If there is an honest effort to punish those who have committed heinous crimes and the law is served justly why shouldn’t the public get to know that the death sentence will be humane? Why create a law that states we are following the letter of the law by executing the murderers but by-passing the information on how we do it?
Recently we have been mesmerized by the scientists who have discovered black holes throughout our universe, reminding us that no one really knows the true power of these dark black holes but in fact they are powerful enough to swallow up anything in its way. Be cautious they tell us be afraid. Every day in America the average citizen runs up against his/her own black holes and dark matter that denies the truth, destroys the evidence and endangers our way of life. Politicians bought by dark money, foods altered by dark ingredients, and now people executed by dark chemicals. The dark is scary but being kept in the dark even scarier!
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