Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn (R) warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday. President Obama’s looming executive action on immigration reform represents a Fort Sumter-type moment, according to conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly. where the opening shots of the Civil War were fired, representing the beginning of a ruinous conflict. T-Publicans always at the ready to invite fear and loathing, never too concerned in the facts but always hitting the nerves of the townsfolk looking to lynch the black man.
Imagine if a Democrat or Progressive spokesperson or elected politician mentioned civil war or civil disobedience toward a T-Republican president. Immediately the T-Publican conspiracy theorists would be waving the flag, carrying the Bible above their heads and digging up the grave of George Washington invoking some bizarre and brainless quote from Ronald Reagan ready to deport those damn bastards. Remember when the Dixie Chicks sang a song to George Bush Jr. telling them they have had and are not going to take it anymore and how FOX News, Limbaugh Express, and the right wing propagandists demanded that these women almost be tried for tyranny. Remember just how many presidential privileges Reagan and Bush implemented toward immigration and just how red, white and blue those were because after all Bush and Reagan exemplified true Amerika! Take the black man in office who is after all THE president currently and suddenly we have a monarchy, tyrant, a dictator because his name is barack Obama.
President Obama says words like immigration reform, Gay marriage, women’s’ reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, fair hourly wages and immediately he is called a communist, and anti-Christ, a socialist, not the kind of guy who should be running a country that used to be based on fair and equal and freedom for all. For those Americans who still believe in rights, equality, the Constitution, not the one supposedly penned by Jesus Christ, we had better take heed. There are jihadists amongst us with names like Coburn, Schlafly, Cruz, Palin, Limbaugh, who want to terrorize this nation, who want to find the fearful and scare the living daylights out of them. We have T-Publicans and their minions of scared folk who believe immigration never happened in this nation before. We saw in the mid terms what fear can do, now we must stop it in its tracks before it becomes like Zombie Apocalypse in this Amerika.
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