Tuesday, November 4, 2014

i voted today

I voted today. Nice to know that in the state of California, voting is as American as apple pie, tacos’,dim sum, ravioli, sauerkraut,potato latkes, and any other delicious delicacy from around the world! Nice to know that in this very blue state of California, all kind of colors are welcomed at the voting stations! Nice to know that in the state of California the only type of voter suppression is any American who is too lazy or too stupid not to vote! Nice to know that in the state of California democracy is defined not just by the Koch Brothers, billionaires, the 1% or followers of a religion more interested in exclusion then inclusion. 

I voted, easy actually. Sadly however there will be millions of females, elderly, LGBT, poor and disabled, college students and people of color who will have been disenfranchised, detoured, disgusted or denied the right to vote in America. Sadly however there will be millions of men and women who will vote against their own interests voting for candidates who want to deny women reproductive rights, workers a fair minimum wage, all groups of people affordable access to health care. Sadly however there will politicians elected into office who worry more about their own careers and pockets then the health and welfare of their constituents. Sadly there are millions of American’s who think that the only elections that count are the ones where someone is running for president.

I voted today and while this is still a nation that permits most of its citizens I am glad I still had the chance to do so!

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