With the advent and advance of same-sex couples raising families, the Evangelical cadre of militants and false prophets have managed to malign and marginalize those particular family units. Demanding that nothing but devil children could be garnered from two fathers or two mothers,these Crusaders for a mean spirited and insecure Christ have made it clear that parenting by same-sex couples will provide end of the world horrors at the maximum and create offspring of murders. prostitutes and moral less thugs at the minimum. Never based on fact and usually filtered with fiction, foible and fallacy these stalwarts of hate and venom love to provide faked examples to prove their point. Parenting is tough, it is a learned experience one which must be filtered with the ability to rejuvenate our own positive examples while excluding the wayward ways and means that only provided negative situations. Those examples I believe provide for healthy family units. But if the Evangelical mafia want an example of bad parenting to prove a point, then I offer the following example.
Family P, we will call them, has demonstrated some horrendous examples of what not to do as parents. Mom preaches abstinence as a value to be adhered to for her eldest daughter. Mom a busy marketeer of self promotion is busy moralizing to others about their sexual behavior talking to other people’s daughters, forgetting to talk with her own daughter. Mom apparently believes Dad is too busy hunting things to spend time with daughter, so she takes it on as her own responsibility to do the sexuality talk. Insisting that abstinence is the cure all for teenage lust, Mom refuses to provide daughter with any information on safe sex alternatives. Daughter gets pregnant. Youngest daughter thinking her shit don’t smell and learning all kinds of derogatory names from Mom and Dad, of course based on the Good Book, decides to bully some friends, and reaches as deep down as Mom and Dad have taught her and she calls a few of her peers Faggots. When approached by the public about this phobic response, Mom and Dad laugh it away saying kids will be kids. They add that youngest daughter is now a victim of bullying herself. Oldest son likes to drink, and drinking is a male coming of age thing for the P Family. After all Mom and Dad drink because that is what red blooded Americans do. Dad gets drunk, and oldest son following in Dad’s footsteps emulates his old man. Nobody messes with the P family and as they must have done in the days of Cro-Magnon men fists are first and rational second. Cops involved and of course taking no responsibility Mom and Dad blame everyone else for a very violent burst of machismo by oldest son. Youngest son steps on family dog to reach for whatever is out of reach. Too young to know any better, youngest son is encouraged to use the family pet as a crutch. Dog schmog say Mom and Dad, its cute to have a big dog lie down and be used as a step stool the dog don’t care! At least we don’t eat the dog say the parents. This was a learning experience for youngest son to do whatever is necessary to get what he needs.
Just follow how the heterosexual parents have either not spoken directly to their kids, permitted them to bully or get physical, drink freely have sex without knowing the consequences, lacked respect for other living creatures, and pretended that it is always the fault of others that makes good people do bad things. All of the issues permitted by Family P are the horrors proposed by the Evangelical Christian soldiers that same-sex couples will employ upon their kids. For some of us we might want Children and Family Services to intervene and remove the children from this abusive household. If in fact Family P were one of two dads or two Moms, FOX News, the 700 Club and Limbaugh Radio would insist that the authorities intervene and that in fact Jesus was teaching them a lesson by their children’s abusive behavior. But family P are called Palin and of a good Christian family and since they are the Perfect family no one gives a Damn!
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