Saturday, January 17, 2015

Enemy within

Good ole boy and Jesus’s self proclaimed voice on Earth Mike Huckabee somehow seems to think he is the moral end all for those in the T-Publican party who really rely on stupid to set them free. As he writes one more book and touts his false idol worshipers with whispers of running for President, (you know President of the Christian States of America a subsidiary of the Confederate States of America), he gladly is chastising Mr and Mrs Obama and those damn colored girls they have for daughters on just who the hell and damnation’s music they listen to. It seems good ole Mikey (shucks I am just a shepherd for a Lord who hates almost everyone) Huckabee thinks something shameful is happening when Beyonce struts her African American ass on stage and acts as a prostitute for her user husband Jay Z. And some of those lyrics should definitely be burned or banned and any parent worth his or her weight in goodness would agree.

Hypocrisy must be that 11th Commandment for self ordained prophets like Huckabee, cause Mr thou shalt not question me cause Jesus speaks to me when I sleep Huckabee hangs out with the likes of one Ted Nugent, who proudly is the composer for such luminary songs as “Jialbait” and “I Am A Predator.” In “Jailbait” Mr Nugent’s lyrics state they he don’t care if she is  just 13 cause she looks so good, and the theme of “I Am A Predator” focuses on his real life situation asking some other deranged heterosexual parents to become legal guardian of their 17 year old daughter, so you know no questions would be asked while they were in bed. Ted Nugent is white, a beloved member of the NRA, hates enough minorities, believes Jesus carried an assault weapon and of course is good press for the audiences who believe homosexuals are more powerful then God. So Mike Huckabee has either overlooked (Nugent’s) sins or partakes in the same sinful behavior!

The Evangelical T-Publicans love themselves some good bigots. They buy the bogus and bullshit as long as the spewer of hate talks in tongues, you know, women are sluts unless they first ask their husband for permission to live, homosexuals cause birth defects for heterosexual children, most white people were never immigrants to the nation, and of course, Jesus wrote the Declaration of Independence, the National Anthem and never gave a shit toward the poor. But most often, the Evangelical T-Publicans love the adage of do as I say, but never as I do! Mike Huckabee is what stupid America is looking like for 2015. His run for President gets stronger and stronger each time he chides anyone deemed the enemy. Christian T-Publican do love them a whole lot of enemies. Sadly they never see the enemy within! 

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