Guns we are reminded are as Americana as was, slavery, religious bias, heterosexual marriages, and of course the little lady wearing an apron cleaning the house with a martini in her hand as she awaits her husband’s return from ‘bread winning’ as she holds her fourth or fifth child in tow. Guns we are reminded are not the enemy, but those who would rather permit the bad guy to shoot first are the real culprits. Guns don’t kill unless you are standing your ground, or happen upon a thug who needs to know who the boss is. We are told all of this by the men and women who unabashedly have become the T-Publican majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives for 2015.
Voting rights we are reminded were so 1865, and according to a very right politically leaning ambivalent to fair and free, equal and just group of Right Wing activists Supreme Court Justices, one person one vote is not an issue to ruffle anyone’s democratic feathers. Nope, gerrymandered districts, pay for play, corporations are people is the way, the reason du jour to make America a more capitalistic and caring nation. Voting rights is not really something the Founding Fathers, found to be an everyman issue, nope this batch of demigod Justices who insist they know the Constitution better then anyone else, insist that what Washington, Jefferson, Hancock and Jesus wanted was to limit voting to those who could foot the bill, be a good Caucasian, and of course pray to the God of the greenback.
Healthcare for all, affordable, reasonable, accessible, is a foray into Socialism and God forbid Communism, and is a priority to amend as soon as possible by a a majority of T-Publican Senators who of course receive Government paid health insurance and a bonus check from the lobbyists of each and every imaginable Health Insurance Corporation. America will crumble if its citizens ALL share equal access to physicians/hospitals/prescriptions. Pilgrims, those independent true blue Americans, who crossed the rutted plains, without doctors at their beckon call would turn over in their graves if they thought the government of the United States cared enough to provide health care to its citizens. Health care is UnAmerican and given the political bias of the majority T-Publican/Supreme Court Justices, there will be an end to this chicanery and a resolve to bring back the days of dying at home or prioritizing health care over, rent of food.
On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 the 114th Congress was sworn into office. On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 the American dream is about to take on a new theme; no longer concerned about rights, equality, fair, or honest. Environmental protections, fair wages, accessible health care, definition of who people are, religious freedom or freedom from religion, too big too fail are just some of the cornerstones of what America might be, are ALL on the wrecking block. On January 6, 2015 we all got to witness what happens when some of us are too lazy to vote, too intimidated by fear and loathing, believe FOX News is news, or just hate anyone who we deem not like us. On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 we got to see a glimpse of our future for at least the next two years, with ramifications for decades and decades to follow!
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