Life’s decisions are tough, for many facing forward finding roads of positive and precise are difficult adventures but worth the effort and energy. And then you have the Duggar Family, a bunch of soldiers for Christ who via the unrealities of reality TV are sudden spokespeople for morals and values following in the inspirational footsteps of the Duck Dynasty Clan. The Duggars have little tolerance for the life style of the homosexual and have made it clear that if in fact same-sex couples pretend to be loving spouses not only will the Christian family structure tumble and crack, but children will become lost souls because there is no real love unless it is from one mother and one father; you know all 19 kids and counting won’t have that one on one interplay. The Duggars are very rigid that homosexuals cannot raise a healthy child, insisting that Christian values are the only way to succeed. And then you have one of the 19 kids named Josh Duggar raised by a Mom Christian and Dad Christian in a very heterosexual Christian house and Joshie not only molests a few girls in the neighborhood but then enjoys the pleasures of his own sisters. How the fuck did that happen? Following the philosophy of the Duggar Clan, Mom or Dad must certainly be a homosexual!
However I digress, it also seems that Daddy Duggar tried to pray away this criminal act and without a moment’s thought to the inappropriate sick or criminal behavior of one of the 19 Clan dismissed the whole thing as the Devil made me do it moment. Normally I would NOT rant about Joshie’s transgressions,(seeming that it is a private family matter) but since the Duggar’s are almost always commenting on my life style as a Gay man and the lifestyles’s of same-sex families I have to wonder aloud where does the hypocrisy end and the truth begin. Josh has issues, he has human issues not Gay nor Straight issues. Joshie’s behavior should have been addressed and MOM and DAD needed to help Joshie face the consequences of his actions instead of pretending that the Devil will be defeated by God and all will be better. As far as we know Josh is a heterosexual man, and as far as the Duggars are concerned heterosexual’s NEVER EVER demonstrate ANY behavior that would infringe upon the rights and welfare of the child. Yet at least twice in his life with at least a dozen girls, young Josh Duggar son of heterosexual Christian MOM and DAD Duggar molested a whole bunch of girls.(maybe they were homosexual girls).
Joshie has resigned as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, acknowledging he sexually molested underage girls including some of his sisters, calling his conduct inexcusable.The Family Research Council is a hate group which has never used the words inexcusable when harassing and discriminating against the LGBT community, no they demand that all homosexuals be burned at the stake. There are no words like inexcusable by the Family Research Council when it comes to the Gays, but then like all faux Christian groups hypocrisy is the 11th commandment, so looking the other way for one of their own IS Gods’ way. Imagine, not hard to do when families like the Duggars insist you are either God’s crusader or you are not. If TLC has a reality show about Adam and Steve raising a bunch of kids, and one of their brood was found to be a child molester, One Million Moms, Sean Hannity, every Evangelical snake oil salesman, even Bobby Jindal would be drooling from their mouths insisting that real justice be done, that the End Days would surely be arriving by NOON tomorrow. The response from the TLC, SILENCE, the response from the Duggars “…it has brought us closer to God.”
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