Lots of Christian religious double speak going around within the T-
Publican Party, Bible thumping has reached a new fervor, so lets take a
look at just how the T-Pubs actually celebrate the 10 Commandments.
#1-You shall have no other Gods before Me. Except Rafael Cruz who
made it clear that his son Ted was among the evangelical Christians who
are anointed as "kings" to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda
commonly referred to as the "Seven Mountains" Perhaps a new son of
God for President.
#2-You shall not make idols. Except reality stars or defunct country
western singers like Phil Robertson who hate the Gays but loves
underaged drunk girls, Jim-Bob Duggar who believes in husband and a
wife always pregnant or Ted Nugent who needs some drugs, guns, and
teen aged girls to feel like a man.
#3-You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Unless of
course that God is not the one you as a Christian prefer, you know the
one who whispers in the dreams of Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee and
Michelle Bachmann.
#4-Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. Only of course if you
are of the 1% who insist that work will make you free but never out of
debt because minimum wage keeps your juices flowing and hunger is
always a perfect incentive to work, even on the Sabbath.
#5-Honor your Mother and Father. But let them know that they are
nothing but “takers” if and when they request their paid for social
security checks at 65. make sure you tell them just how selfish they are
not to work until they are at least 71 or die on the job.
#6-You shall not murder. Unless it is to shoot an abortion doctor at a
Planned Parenthood Clinic, a black kid for being black, or those pesky
Gays if they are permitted to say “I do”.
#7-You shall not commit adultery. Unless of course you are politicians
Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, Marc Sanford, John Ensign,Pastors Sam
(Benny) Hinn or Jimmy Swaggart.
#8-You shall not steal. Perhaps however if you were Richard Nixon,
Lewis (Scooter) Libby,Michael Grimm, Duke Cunningham or the CEO
of every bank too big too fail during the Bush/Cheney Administration.
#9-You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Forget all of
that if you work for FOX News, false witnessing is highest form of
Christianity and American for the guys and gals who just love to incite f
ear, fictionalize the truth, and elect a scapegoat for the day.
#10-You shall not covet. Unless of course you are after the wealth of the
Koch Brother’s, Sheldon Adelson, anyone named Walton. Don’t want
the same things that the Bush’s, Romney’s, Cargill’s Mellon’s you are
not American royalty. Don’t find fault with new breed of ultra wealthy
people like Exxon-Mobile, Monsanto they were just born that way.
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