Here in America a land of immigrants, a man’s family can run away from an oppressive county, embrace the wonders of democracy, find a new nation whose principles are to welcome ALL to a land of plenty and then in complete ignorance decide that the welcome his family received is not necessarily the same warm fuzzy feeling anyone else should expect. Piyush “Bobby” Jindal T-Publican Governor of Louisiana and really, really wanna be the next president of the United States is a bigot, a homophobe and a horrible example of immigration gone bad. He loves to pander to the most insane, inane and idiot element of a terrible American demographic identified as the T-Publican base of voters. You know the inbred, Christian Crusaders, who believe the world is maybe 6000 years old, the Earth is the center of the universe, and men walked with the dinosaurs and of course women are chattel and collateral.
Piyush Jindal decided that if his majority state T-Publican led legislature did not have the balls to be bigoted enough then he would have to add an extra pair of testicles and outlined the following order in a statement: “This Executive Order (The Freedom of Religion) will prohibit the state from denying or revoking a tax exemption, tax deduction, contract, cooperative agreement, loan, professional license, certification, accreditation, or employment on the basis the person acts in accordance with a religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.” Piyush is the kind of Christian who thinks his God speaks to him filled with the rhetoric of hate, and that he was chosen to become a General in some kind of army to establish a Christian law which of course supersedes any constitutional order separating the church from the state. Piyush thinks that the more you define yourself with the vitriol of ignorance and bigotry that somehow you have defined the American dream. Imagine if you will for one moment, Piyush roaming the back bayou's of Louisiana without his private state patrol at his side and one of the constituents Piyush is pandering to only sees this dark skinned man walking by, don’t you wonder how Christian law would prevail?
Piyush joins the fraternity of T-Publican politicians who read an abridged Bible, carry the Constitution next to an assault weapon but are too busy being bigots to read it, and who knows that keeping the stupid dumb and free of facts provides an opportunity to thrive in a nation where truth never sees the light of day. As a child of immigrants you might think that Piyush would understand the promise of finding a nation that embraces equality; but apparently catering to the cowards is much more fulfilling. Please, Piyush, please!
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