Gary Cohn, a name, many of us never knew before Trump, Gary Cohn, Trump’s Chief Economic Advisor, has bit the dust, and yesterday was like the newest tumble weed to be whisked away from the West Wing. Watching, MSNBC, for just a moment I caught the clip of Trump in his usual insecure pose, his arms crossed around his chest tightly, for fear that the holes in his body might explode causing this baboon or is it a balloon of a man to float into thin air. It seemed that Trump was almost roasting Mr Cohn, announcing that this meeting would be the last that his Chief Economic Officer would be joining along with others from the Emperors Court. Not really looking at Gary Cohn, but trying his best as a Second Banana to an audience seemingly handcuffed to their seat, and seemingly from a scene of Clockwork Orange, in which the main character had his eyelids forced open and his ear drums taped wide, in full volume mode, just to be sure that all audio and visual noise, violence and pornography, looming from the Orange mouth could enter one brain and fry any remaining normal synapses.
The word Globalist was used to describe, Gary Cohn. Globalist is a fancy word that many a paranoid Anti-semite uses to decry the greedy Jews of the world whose intent is become the Earth’s banker, and rule the Earth. Gary Cohn is a person whose religion is Judaism. I am a man who among the many aspects of my life is a also a Jew. As I might with homophobic slurs, because I am a man who happens to be Gay, I take offense to this who believe they are cleaver enough to me a derogatory name, by side stepping the precise word they to use, but prefer language which seem code for hate. (Back in the old days, an unmarried man who never dated a woman was considered “light in the loafers, a female minus her beau, was either a “spinster”, or worse a “librarian”. Trump went on to describe that Gary Cohn was still a semi good guy, even though HE was not a true blue Nationalist, like Trump himself. (Adolph Hitler was a Nationalist, Joseph McCarthy was Nationalist) The majority of white men sitting around the Trump Table, all giggled like school children, fearful that if they did at least make a laughing sound or look like they the tar and feather and the matches ready to burn Mr Cohn, they too might be on the sharp end of the knife.
I am not a fan of Mr Cohn who had no problem defending Trumps conclusion that there were good Nazi’s and bad Nazi’s in Charlottesville, but I am a fan of equality, and a real fan of empathy, conscience and truth. Trump is bully and has been permitted to remain “The Leader of the Pack”. I am tired of hearing “well he is 71 years old so why would he change.” Trump is an illegitimate Commander-In Chief, who is enabled by a bunch of self-serving idiots, who seem to forget that the man to which they pay homage is nothing but a puppet paid for and played by Putin. I am not a fan of Gary Cohn, but today as has been the Trump Thing TO Do, one more American is treated the fool, by a Con Man, and Criminal, and I NEED to know when will this end!