Monday, June 12, 2023

and again

 As I write y blog today, June 12, 2023, I am filled with confusion, chaos, concern, and wonder who exactly will receive consequences, be it Trump his enablers in Congress, his cultists, or will it be you and me, the Americans who actually understand the crimes, Trump committed. 

I cannot listen to the news nor read the news, today, having consumed oh so much bad news and worry that even one more ounce of denunciation by Republicans both Federally elected and Statewide, office holders, to admit that Trump is a criminal, a criminal who has committed a crime, against all of the Citizens of this nation…all of us!


Once again Trump will head to court, and once again his fellow insurrectionists celebrate him as some kind of hero. Most of the Republicans, especially in the House, will pay no consequences for their Anti-American actions, because, they have been permitted to continue to remain in office from their very Gerrymandered districts. Once again, the rest of us must await and wonder about the chaos and confusion that will ensue!


I am weary, I am frustrated, and I am worried. Tuesday, June 13, 2023, is yet another day from which democracy may survive or begin a very slow death!