Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 U.S. district judge in Arkansas issued a permanent injunction against a state law that banned trans youth and their families from seeking gender-affirming medical care. U.S. District Judge James Moody of the Eastern District of Arkansas ruled the law unconstitutional Tuesday, saying it violated the rights of doctors and discriminated against transgender people. Gender-affirming medical care includes such treatments as puberty blockers and hormone therapy. The law also prohibited doctors from referring trans youth to other providers for gender-affirming care. (Washington Post)


UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as in the laws of a country that had been founded on the separation of church and state. UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as in the laws of a country that has tried to maintain the civil rights of its citizens, without any attempt from a religious sect to establish what is and what is not a civil right. 


UPHOLDING a MEDICAL decision from leading medical associations, including the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Endocrine Society, all recommend that transgender youth be able to access this kind of health care.


BUT OF COURSE, when necessary, especially from Evangelical and Orthodox Christians, the CONSTITUTION matters very little, when those politicians prefer to use their hand pick and Bible and their cheery picked chapters and verses from that same Bible to try and establish that as the ALMIGHTY LAW OF THE LAND, as in the case of Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin said in a statement posted on Twitter that, in the ruling, “Judge Moody misses what is widely known: There is no scientific evidence that any child will benefit from these procedures, while the consequences are harmful and often permanent. We will appeal to the Eighth Circuit.”


Remember, that these politicians are not Medical Experts, Scientists, or Mental Health Professionals, they just PRETEND to play one as they act as Gods!