Monday, June 26, 2023

It is NOT Popular

 Based on the Electoral College, Presidential campaigns prioritize victories in states that will total more than 270 electoral votes, rather than trying to win the most actual direct votes nationwide. The key reason for this strategy is that in every state, except Nebraska and Maine, the candidate who wins the most votes in a state also wins all the electors from that state, regardless of the margin of victory. This winner-take-all electoral system makes it possible for one candidate to get more votes nationwide, but a different candidate to win in the Electoral College and ultimately, win the Presidency. (ADL)

Critics of the Electoral College believe that it compromises the “one person, one vote” principle and it is less democratic than a popular vote. Not only can someone win the presidency without winning the popular vote, another consequence is that it influences how and where candidates campaign. (ADL)


There have been five times in U.S. history when the candidate who won the Electoral College (and ultimately won the election) did not get the most popular votes. It happened in 1824, 1876, 1888 and in the last two out of five Presidential elections (in 2000 won by George W. Bush and 2016 won by Donald Trump), when the Presidential election was determined by the Electoral College, not the popular vote. (ADL)


TRUMP! He has no love for this nation, or this nation’s democracy. Yet, he still stands a chance to lose the popular vote once again by millions of votes, and CAN once again rise to the office of President, permitting him to finally dismantle any and all remanent of democracy remaining. Insurrection, Sedition, Espionage, Cover Ups, and Coercion, with regards to the Electoral College, they matter very little, when in fact hordes of Fascist loving, Neo Nazi, Right Wing  Billionaire Backed Politicians refuse to place PEOPLE before PARTY, and instead, place PERSONAL gain over Democracy.


We knew this fact, and we still know this fact. We can elect Representatives, Senators, Governors, and even Mayors by a majority vote, but somehow the most important Government job, the one to almost make or break FREEDOM/EQUALITY/CHOICE/LIBERTY, AND JUSTICE is still decided by a few and not the many!