Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Time to get REAL

 It seems that the majority of US voters who voted for Harris (and that majority number seems to grow and grow each day) are being ignored by the COWARD, SELF-SERVING, SPINELESS Senators within the Republican Party. (Actually, I am surprised that by now, Trump hasn’t insisted that the Republican Party be renamed and called the TRUMP PARTY.)


No more checks and balances, no more guard rails, not much more left of Democracy, so it seems, and the facts are demonstrating that a majority of US voters did care…but the loathsome, ignorant, what’s in it for me now, if the facts don’t fall in my favor fuck them, bigots and racists, who voted for Trump THINK they won.


And then we have the Republican Senators, many of who have ridden on the coattails of hate, gerrymandering, and lies and continue to pretend that Trump has some agenda for America, when in fact, his only agenda includes HIM, HIS intentions to become Dictator, and HIS continuance to break any law HE finds hinders HIS own greed and glory.


And the other new “TALKING POINT,” created by the same Propagandists who genuinely hate this country, is a dozy. Now, these same, Orange-lipped enemies of the state in Congress say that people don’t care about the backgrounds of Trump’s anticipated Cabinet; these same clowns insist that if it’s okay for Trump, it must be OK for them. 


His voters are a minority, and of course, they could give a shit that some of Trump’s choices are sexual predators, best friends with men like Putin, and Conspiracy theorists, fraudsters, and grifters because they demonstrated their own low life standards when they voted for Trump. Let’s get real, America.