Monday, June 29, 2009

following a dream

I grew up in a very wealthy Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh. It seemed that all around us were Jewish families with lots of money, all successful and all richly enjoying their lives.

We were jewish, but my Dad happened to be a policeman. Something shocking actually in the 50's and 60's for nice Jewish man to be a policeman.

The family story goes that my Dad only wanted to play football or baseball. When he grew up in the early 1900's there was no way, that his parents would accept anything but a doctor, lawyer, or maybe business executive for his career and future.

My dad wanted to play ball. The punishment apparently from my grandparents was, no med school, no law school no college at all. And thus my Dad rebelled joined the army, navy, and then became a policeman. One of only 6 Jewish policemen in the city of Pittsburgh at the time.

My father always had a tinge of jealousy for those who made lots of money. Jealous not so much that they made the money, but jealousy as to how they decided that making that money provided them privileges of a life with little conscience or care for others. They were rich they were bright, so they deserved the best that money could buy.

Eventually, being that the Jewish community in Pittsburgh was not too large, and being that my Dad's police precinct was in the Jewish community, many Jewish families had occasions in which they had some run in with the police, and many then feeling that in a time if need a nice Jewish Sergeant would certainly help in making the police matters disappear.

My father would do his best to intervene to help those families with 6 digits incomes, with 4 bedroom homes, with professions like doctors, attorneys, CEO's and Finance managers. The professions my Grandparents told my father were the ones that made you into someone special.

Curious, that those special professions now, in the 21st century, have given us the Bernie Madoff's of Wall Street, the Rick Wagoner's of GM, the Edward Liddy's of AIG, Dick Fuld's of Lehman Brothers. All in the whitest of white collar professions, all graduates of top universities, all supposedly the smartest of the smart, and they all have left a legacy of loss, gluttony, self serving principals and a bottom line which bottomed out.

They were not blue collar worker bee's, they were not plumbers or used car sales people, or clerks or policemen. they did jobs that were created to make America a better place. or was it to make them a better place in America?

They were the high end, the point of comparison the stars to emulate. My grandparents would have wanted my dad to be like them, UNTIL, that is they were found out to be immoral, unthinking, unabashedly selfish men who cared little for anyone around them. And who through selfish means hurt the many who held them on a higher and taller pedestal.

I'm curious how my Dad would have reacted to seeing these people who were able to follow their dream, have their dream turn into a nightmare.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

sounds of silence

How sad.

The candidate Obama said he wanted to change the bigotry, misunderstandings and unequal treatment of the LGBT population of America. Senator Obama campaigned vigorously and openly about CHANGE, and about he would make that change happen to all people, including the LGBT population.

Democratic nominee Obama was able to to raise money from a very hopeful and motivated LGBT community, because Presidential nominee Obama embraced equal rights for ALL Americans.

So the LBGT community worked hard for this man, raised money, pounded pavement, and Senator Obama promised equality was on its way.

So, what happened Mister President. You are a VERY popular man, you have changed some ideas and insights for many Americans, you motivate millions of people. Many hang on your every word. But it seems you have become silent not speaking against separate but equal.

Imagine this America if you stopped hesitating, stopped finding political reasons, for not supporting Gay rights, but really became the candidate Obama, you remember that MAN don't you, with the power through reason and resonance to claim CHANGE was real.

In this case, Mister President, your silence is deafening. Do you not feel any shame?



So, let me get this straight. A man, lets call him Governor Mark Sanford of the great state of South Carolina. This man, lets say he is also an elected official, this man, Governor Mark Sanford, takes a a few trips away from South Carolina, to, let's say Argentina, doing some state to country work and visiting with a friend, who became a lady friend, who became a best lady friend, who eventually became a mistress friend, and before the events of the last week played out, this man, Governor Mark Sanford, and elected official, never admitted to visiting his lady/mistress friend, and came and went from the great state of South Carolina without mentioning a word to the public, who elected him that on the way to Argentina, he was dallying around with a doll!

So let's say a man, once again we will use the name of Governor Mark Sanford, this man who is supposedly the highest ELECTED official in the State of South Carolina, disappears from the radar screen of anyone and anybody in South Carolina including his own Lt. Governor, and if something were to happen in that state, where the ELECTED by the people Governor was needed to say, make an immediate and important decision, the said Governor Sanford, would have never been located as he was hiding from the same people of that same state who ELECTED him to take care of business 24/7, due to some personal hanky panky type of business of his own.

So, lets say, that Governor Sanford, did all that and was never found out until recently that perhaps he stole from the state, and reneged on his Elected responsibilities, not once or twice but quite often, and now that he is caught, we are supposed to believe that he meant not to do any of that sort of and is soooooooooooooo sorry, now that he has been found out, apologizing to all of those whom he might have hurt.

And we are supposed to forgive him. FORGIVE him because now that he got caught he "fesses" up to his illegal and immoral transgressions, and to quote the Governor, " david he will rise up and become greater..."


PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." And I say if this man gets away with his improper treatment of the citizens of South Carolina, there may be a sucker born every second.

The fact that the Governor has not found the decency to resign, and the outcry for him to leave office is not resounding and riveting, I just have to say...


Where does it end?

Friday, June 26, 2009

"...mad as hell..."

So, Governor Sanford, made his apologies to almost everyone possible. Never really admitted HE did anything wrong, but apologized for HIS behaviors as it might be interpreted that HE hurt those around him, especially his wife and four boys and the people of South Carolina. Then he met with his Cabinet, and opened with a few commentaries reciting Biblical tales comparing himself with King David, who made some poor decisions but turned it around and became a legend to be proud of. The Governor then said that no matter what he does, or doesn't do (even though he WAS elected to be the chief of state for the state of South Carolina), it was the constant input, the professional demeanor and actions, and the true and honest work of HIS cabinet, that really matters. Governor Sanford was important but as long as his Cabinet did not falter, the state of South Carolina would still be in good hands and the business of the state would go forward.

HMMM, let me get this straight, the Governor being away from his job without any form of communication, his having the state pay for perhaps three visits to Argentina so he could take care of his personal life issues and maybe conduct some business for the state of South Carolina, his seemingly self effacing statement that the real business of the state does not include the Governor's daily attendance nor dedication to the job... made his decision to lie, steal and deceive the people of South Carolina kind of sort of alright. And for good measure, just to make his point, the Governor did all of that and found solace in the Bible to kind of, sort of prove his point that a sinner, and moral flunky should find grace and be pardoned.

I amaze at how politicians, never really admit to a wrong doing but say, if I have offended anyone I apologize. I love how politicians usually own up to their lies or immoral behavior once they are caught. They never seem to come forward and say, I have been participating in illegal or unethical behavior and I am so appalled by my behavior I want to come forward and APOLOGIZE.

Usually, like the case of Senator Ensign, who came forward because he was going to be blackmailed, or Senator Craig, who was arrested, or senator Vittor whose name was going to be released by the FBI and now Governor Sanford, the admission of perhaps some wrong doing does not come from the conscience but rather from the fear of binge found out, more crisis management than soul searching. And if you listen closely to their tirades and tears they kind of sort of wish they had had never done something so foolish and something that was soooooooooooo hurtful to their wife and children. ( of course after the fact).

BUT, yet they did it not once but often and more.

None of this would bother me except for two reasons. ONE is they are elected officials who campaigned for their office, telling us hey were the best each state could offer, and that they put the needs of the public ahead of their own, and TWO, they all sit upon a high horse of morals and standards and have the audacity to judge others. They tell the LBGT community marriage is a solid institution based on the love and trust of one man and one woman, and that the union of two of the same genders would ruin that holy of holiest institution. They sit in judgement and speak of conservative values, the kind of values God himself has given to those who work hard for family values. They speak the rhetoric and never walk the walk.

I wold not want to delve into the personal lives of Senators, Mc Cain, Vittor, Ensign, Craig, Governors Spitzer, or Sanford, if they were not always probing into my life a member of the LBGT community, setting laws and denying me the right to live my life judiciously and just.

There was a scene in the movie "Network" which was released in 1976, Peter Finch's character spouts a very famous line, "...I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore..." As an American I so feel like screaming that same phrase when time after time I see the actions of politicians who somehow feel they are royalty and can live and survive on a different scale then the average American. And most Americans allow these politicians behavior to go unchecked. And for the politicians, the worst thing that could happen is they resign, or NOT, but there will be either a book deal, which many Americans with very little life in their own life will purchase, or even more lucrative there will be some reality show where each disgraced politician will participate and reinvent himself. And become a laugh sensation. Laughing heartily to the bank.

I just don't want to take allowable hypocrisy to happen any longer, when do we stop the madness? "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"I'm forever blowing bubbles"

"I'm forever blowing bubbles. Pretty bubbles in the air." It is a song written by John Kellette, lyrics by James Kendis, and Nat Vincent, which debuted in 1918.

it seems that Governor Mark Sanford, needed to escape from his bubble of being Governor while traipsing along to Buenos Aires with his "very good female friend, whom he has known for 8 years. To quote the teary eyed Governor, " needs a break from the BUBBLE of being governor..."

A break from the hardships of the daily grind. How many South Carolinians, unemployed, not meeting their weekly budgets, burdened with lack of adequate health insurance, needing care for their children while they work, etc, etc, etc, could use a break from their BUBBLE. How many people when they are able to take a break can afford to pick themselves up and travel to Argentina, let alone to walk to the end of the block and blow off some steam.

Governor Sanford, the BUBBLE you live in was created by you. You strove for the power for the prestige, for the press and the pomp and circumstance.

If you needed a break Governor Sanford, and decided to stray away from your responsibilities than by all means you should have resigned your position as an elected official and taken the next BUBBLE out of town free and clear and with no hidden lies or agenda.

You need a break from the BUBBLE of being Governor. Uh Huh! YOU decided to run for that office. You told all the possible voters how you were the man for the job, and how you could and would make the hard choices, no matter how long or difficult they may be. And you decided that an affair with another married woman, even as Governor, would be okay, would not get in the way of you doing your job as Governor or perhaps your role as father and husband.

Governor Sanford you were blowing a whole lot of BUBBLES, wonder how it feels to have one so huge and filled with hot burst all over you?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

another one bites the dust

must be a male staunch conservative republican disease, INFIDELITY!

Mark Sanford, the up and coming shining star of the republican party, ready at any microphone to talk against the democrats, ready to demonstrate through his on going harangues with his own state legislature to not take stimulus money because it might provoke his hard as nail ultra conservative republican right wing ideologues not to consider his name for the possible 2012 run for president. and Mark Sanford a steward of keeping marriage, an "opposite sex" thing, because it is the american way and the bible tells us so. this same governor Mark Sanford who worries out loud that gay marriage would rot away at the sacred institution of marriage. just admitted with tears running wildly down his "two timing" cheeks he loved another woman while married.

Mark Sanford, woefully told the viewing public that not only did he lie about his whereabouts for the last few days, (his staff said he went to the Appalachian Trail to reflect upon a very stressful time in office, very american place to go to reflect, but in reality he went to Argentina to reflect on a romantic tryst with another woman who happens not be his wife. i suppose one can confuse the Appalachian Trail with Argentina, they both begin with A, what does the bible say about liars) but he went to Argentina to spend time with a dear old friend who basically became his newly announced "other woman".

interviewing some of his good "ole boys" republican members of the south carolina legislature, they all said governor Stanford was brave to come forward it must have been difficult. DIFFICULT, cheating on your wife something difficult. it should be easy not to cheat, especially if you have crusaded and given speech after speech about the sanctity and special purpose of marriage. i guess it becomes DIFFICULT when you speak out of both sides of your mouth. you become a bit tongue twisted.

so once again another one bites the dust. i would normally not care, as if these men want to be adulterers it is their free will, BUT both governor Stanford, and senator Ensign (of last weeks infidelity score sheet), both spend time speaking about how two men or two women should NEVER marry because it would harm the institution of marriage, and religiously its just not right. how precious and unique the INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE is.

i would usually not care about the escapades of these two politicians, but since they have constantly been concerned about my life as a gay man over and over again, and preaching how as a gay man i should not be allowed to marry, i so do care about how they live their lives.

there are so many gay couples who do not cheat or have affairs who love one another deeper, longer and with more respect than both the governor and senator, yet we are told by these two "do as i say not as i do" hypocrites that lbgt marriages are a sham and worse, tear at the moral fibers of the holiest of holy THE INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE. while they go off and have an affair.

when are smart, insightful, non hating, non bigoted americans going to see, that the only way the INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE survives, is when two people commit to one another, and say i love you and mean it, male or male, female or female man or woman. that the INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE will remain strong when it is respected, not taken for granted, as governor Stanford and senator Ensign have proven in their behaviors.

when will all the charades end?

so another one, and another one, and another one bites the dust!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

something so simple, seems so darn difficult

the president very eloquently and intelligently spoke to the army of white house reporters today, discussing issues from health care to the protests in iran.

president obama was quizzed about his smoking habits, and how a government run health insurance bureau would not impede on current for profit health insurance companies.

as is his form, the president spoke in rhetoric which seemed to have come not only from his head but from his heart.

his heartfelt rhetoric continued:

when the president was asked about what he personally felt regarding the human rights of the iranians, and how the government in iran was not listening to its population, and injecting its own non democratic fascist bent, mister obama said he was disturbed when civil rights, human rights and the will of the people are ignored.

but then it is always good press to talk about the lack of human and civil rights in another country. it is actually what bought mister bush (four extra years as he spoke about democracy in iraq and afghanistan), while he whittled away the civil rights of most americans.

non heartfelt rhetoric:

then it happened to the president, came down with the two sided political rhetoric non heartfelt speech, also, the kind of speech where you say one thing on one side of your mouth and on the other side you kind of, sort of, maybe, kind of forget you said it and go ahead and ignore the message you just stated because the will of the majority, the voting majority is MUCH more important than the needs of the minority.

how much longer does the lbgt community have to hear, "we will get to the issues of the homosexual community," "one step at a time, after all the U.S. has so many pressing issues to deal with, the gays are rather selfish in pushing so hard," and civil rights are important for the world, but we need more time to write laws in this country to keep us from ever stopping separate from equal!"

how many times does the president talk about human and civil rights for other countries but only passively acknowledge the rights of people in this country.

and the kicker is that many republicans are telling the president he is soft on the civil rights of the iranians, expressing their disappointment and angst about civil liberties, while if not most of the republicans, have nothing to say about the most human and civil rights of their american constituents. (you know the lbgt crowd). once again, the grass should be greener elsewhere but not at home.

i like president obama, voted for him, but damn, when will he be the president representing all of america. not just the bible totting, fear mongering, hate filled, lemmings who get their news from fox, or the 700 club, or preachers who stand in front of the cross, never realizing who actually died on the cross and what he died for, or orthodox jews who seem to read every word of the 5 books of moses, but quite never understand what the words mean, or the radio spin jocks who love a sarcastic sound byte and recite their own definition of what a real man or a real woman are like, never HAVING, for the most part anything real in their life.

when does something as simple as civil rights for for all become so darn less difficult?

Monday, June 22, 2009

rainy days and hypocrisy

rainy day, today in provincetown. did my chores, read a few chapters from the newest novel, went to the gym, and then i was completely bored.

so i turned on the television and decided to watch some programs, i normally might skip, or normally might never watch because, watching grass grow would be more entertaining.

started with fox news and happened to tune into glenn beck. he had drawn on a chalk board a chart of the hierarchy of the internal government of iran, trying to demonstrate to the viewers how decisions are made in iran, of course one of the country's on the former president bush's list of axis of evil.

and good ole glenn, catering to the lowest of common denominators of american society had the name allah on top of the chart with what looked like clouds all around his name. he said he had no idea how to symbolize allah, but felt that his depiction of clouds would be the safest way for him to symbolize allah, and not get killed doing so. he gave that innocent smile and giggled. then he had the grand ayatollah ali khamenei right beneath allah, and made the commentary that the ayatollah spoke to allah, and made the cutest little smile, and looked into the camera.."as if!..."

as if...hmmm, remember when george bush told us he spoke to jesus, and jesus kind of told him how to be president. and mister pat robertson and his son on every 700 club entertainment special remind the viewers how they speak to jesus and if you the uneducated viewer, send them donations they too can speak to jesus for you....and remember how the last murderer who slew a doctor for performing abortions said he heard from god to end the life of the no good doctor. that killing the killer was not as bad as the killer killing unborn babies.

as if , mister beck and mister robertson, and abortion doctor murderer so, let me get this straight. depending who your god is, and of course which appropriate religion he represents, and of course that has to be christianity, it is possible to talk to jesus and translate his word to the people of earth. but if it is like the wrong god, perhaps in this case allah, it is all hog wash and carnival tricks.

so after watching fox news i flicked the remote and came up with e entertainment. we were deeply involved with kate and john and the presumed yet unofficial announcement of their divorce. it was nail biting to hear about the possible infidelity and perhaps affairs by the mister and misses gosselin's might/were/ could be having. hmmm.i thought it was only homosexuals who made bad parents. we have been told that when one homosexual marries, a piece of granite from the monument of the institution of marriage was chipped away never to be found again. making that institution vulnerable and weak for all other heterosexuals. and we were told one main reason why heterosexuals should and could only get married was because only they made the perfect parents, you know one man for the boys and one woman for the girls.

hmmm... but kate and jon really don't like each other, and now that they made a ton of money, who cares about the marriage and, well the kids are still good for a few more bucks.

and then i did one more flick of the dial and happened upon cnn. wolfe blitzer, after telling the viewing audience how cnn had the greatest news team in the entire universe, interviewed the mayor of L.A., antonio villaraigosa, asking a few questions but quite never letting the mayor answer in a full sentence. the purpose of the interview was to find out if mayor villaraigosa would run for governor of california. the mayor said he would not, and after the mayor was no longer on screen, wolfe chimed in that had the mayor of los angeles stayed in the race it would have been an interesting contest, since mayor gavin newsom of san francisco as well as mayor villaraigosa both had extra marital affairs while in office. hmmm. again, there goes that pillar of ethics and morals the fragile institution of marriage. a married politician having an affair, how rare and unique is that.

and finally i gave the remote one more chance and found myself on comedy central where someone was interviewing the octo-mom, (nadya suleman), where she was a little saddened that people thought she had all her adorable babies for ulterior motives like making money off of their lives, rather than just wanting to bring eight new lives into the world. nadya was offended that others might accuse her of making money off the babies. ( a gentle tear fell from her left eye). hmmm, i thought that only two dads, or two moms, made bad parents. we have been quoted from passages in then bible, or the constitution and or pta manuals that it is only a mom and dad, or even a single mom, more often then a single dad that are real examples of people who can raise a child in a healthy christian-judeo family.

i then got a terrible headache thought how much more hypocrisy can i take before throwing up.
how much more hype made of thin air and marketing value can i take. how much empty space do i need to have fill my senses.

so i turned off the television, and listened to the rain, much calmer and made more sense.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

one more time ..a wish on fathers day

so it is father's day. for those lucky enough to be a father, it is a day more than a hallmark card, it is just one more reminder of the responsibility and power being a parent requires.

so it is father day and i have watched for 31 father's days, my son grow and delight, finding dreams and desires, balancing pitfalls and pandaemonium, and setting course headed for goals and galaxies beyond.

so it is fathers day, and i have watched for 28 father's days, my daughter gain confidences and collect choices and chances, walking the tightrope between the agony and the glory, always seeking horizons beyond the last momentous mountains.

so it is fathers day, and i, the moment, the second the instant, each child was born, swore they would be equally eligible in this great country, to achieve the best they sought, because they were a part of a place so vast and full of promise, that if they worked at it, and fought hard for it, no matter what "it" might be, it could be had.

i ask you president obama, on this fathers day, when you reflect on your two precious daughters, and wonder where their lot in life ahead will lead to, do you first look back and see what could have been a mirky history of slavery, then "white" only laws finally changed to form a new direction in acceptance and non discrimination. laws created by leaders who rose above politics and what might have been political savvy for their career if they had only caved into the hate and bigotry so many would have preferred? do you look back at how brave they were, and wonder what a difference it now has made for you and your daughters. and mister president, do you ever wonder if you have the same backbone to not drag your feet on allowing the gay and lesbian boys and girls, children of american parents like you and i to find their dreams. to say loud and proud, replacing your political correctness and rhetoric with human kindness and compassion and pointing to your consciousness by saying ENOUGH. "i" can make the difference. history now begins with "ME."

no more separate but equal for the lbgt children of america. we need change NOW that we can count on, and might you say, mister president, you can count on "ME", as president to make that change IMMEDIATELY!

happy father's day to all those dads who really love not only their children, but all children.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


how come the family values crusaders, you know, the ones who want to tell you how to live your life, even if they don't live their life the way they tell you to live come no one has made mention of senator ensigns, FAMILY VALUE-LESS behavior?

how come tony perkins, pat robertson, james dobson are all fire and brimstone when john gay or jane lesbian want to marry, raise a family or even adopt. these pillars of morals and ethics are on the television, preaching of the sins and the evil ways of so many non famous persons, preaching that once those nameless and unknowns are allowed to marry, love, raise children or even adopt, their actions will turn the united states into Sodom and Gomorra.


when senators ensign, mc cain, and vittor, parade around in their FAMILY VALUE-LESS shenanigans, people who happen to be national figures, making laws for the nameless and unknown citizens of this country, remain silent with a capitol S or is it with a capitol H for hypocrisy, or is it with a capitol B for bigotry. and their silence erupts like weeds and no one seems to be talking about the downfall of america. not perkins, nor robertson, nor dobson.

seems the devil can only find its way into the lives of the nameless and unknowns of the lbgt community.

some of the republican senators have even said that the most recent onslaught of FAMILY VALU-LESS behavior by senator ensign, should be over looked because he is a good man at heart.

family values, interesting whose family those values pertain to, and whose family, FAMILY VALUE-LESS behavior goes unscathed.

like 20 million is no big deal 20 million is no big deal!

so lou dobbs, commentator for cnn of the lou dobbs show, said that the obama administration exaggerated its numbers listing how many americans have no health insurance, or are under insured.

the 46 million give or take a million or so that the current administration listed as those without insurance includes non citizens (code word for illegal aliens), people who supposedly think they will never get sick so they never signed up for insurance, people who had coverage but for some reason (perhaps lack of employment or no money to pay for it, DUH), were included in the 46 million plus chump change.

BUT if you take away those undesirables the number is ONLY 20 million.
ONLY 20 million, as if ONLY 20 million does not count. give me a break, ONLY 20 million!

i just love when people use the word ONLY to try and persuade us its okay.

like... its ONLY those gays and lesbians who want to be married, as if they really matter.

or... its ONLY auto workers, who do they think they are, they ONLY do manual labor why should they be given adequate wages, they are not bankers or wall street financiers.

and.. its ONLY a bunch of poor people who are complaining that the trickle down economics of regan/bush/clinton, never trickled down, but trickled up and up and up, ONLY they wouldn't know what to do with all that money anyway.

ONLY 20 million people!

why do people who use the term ONLY, seem to think they are exempt from being part of that ONLY group. maybe if they didn't have health insurance, or the money to purchase health insurance, or the promise that once they did use their health insurance the cost of using their health insurance would not go higher and higher. they might think differently

like what if this only happened to me!

ONLY 20 million people. no big deal, its ONLY 20 million.

Friday, June 19, 2009

happy fathers day

happy father's day mister president.

its a day early but i wanted to send you my wish before the parade of cards hit your desk. i hope you are going to spend the day with your family, your kids and wife. you have a wife who is, as so aptly said by miss california, "of the opposite sex", so it is legal in the u.s. to actually travel with her in all 50 states without worry that some religious zealot may not want to honor your marriage.

i wonder mister president, have you spoken to senators mc cain, vittor and ensign, are they planning on spending fathers day with their mistresses, or their first wives or their mistresses who became their new wife. kind of confusing isn't, it how to spend fathers day, when one strays from the solid, unbreakable INSTITUTION of MARRIAGE. but then they are all heterosexuals so if they alter the INSTITUTION of MARRIAGE, its okay.

but i digress. i want to wish you a happy father's day from one dad to another. we have somethings in common, i have two kids, and i am an american citizen, but we kind of stop after that i suppose, because drat, damn, darn i am gay. you know, mister president, the kind of american who is separate but equal. you recently made it very clear, by not speaking loud and clear about your opposition to separate but equal, yeah you gave a little on the DOMA, a wee bit, and you have remained silent, VERY silent on don't ask don't tell even when a few really bright and very valuable armed services men and women asked you to talk loud and proud.

as dads with kids and of course spouses, oops, there we go again, separate but equal, we both get to share father's day with our family and kids. except, i call my other half my partner, but when i travel the u.s. with him, others refer to him as my friend, and i sure hope when we do travel its not to one of those nasty states that won't allow me to see him if he should happen to go to the hospital. i'm sure you have no problems if that should happen to mrs obama, thank god! would be awkward to continue carrying a legal document explaining something so intimate as loving your spouse.

happy fathers day. i don't want to be long in my rhetoric as i am sure you have lots of things planned for this day. but speaking of rhetoric, it seems yours has grown tiresome and patronizing on the subject of glbt community. your gays are growing quite dissatisfied with your POLI-RHETORIC. I coined that phrase, POLI-RHETORIC after listening to you lament about civil rights and human rights and doing very little aside from saying you would. (POLI-RHETORIC is similar to a hot air ballon, once you speak, just like in politics the speech becomes full of hot air and floats into space, never ever finding its way to earth.) you appealed to gays who became your gays and said change was on its way, change we could count on. i am still counting. I did not however come up with the term your gays, it is a pet phrase used by kathy griffin. she treats her gays very well, and realizes she need not patronize or ignore them because without them she goes from a "d" list performer to a non performer.

it seems, mister president, that some of your gays, and i am one of them are beginning to discuss what we should do to get you to move on something so simple as human and civil rights for all americans in this country, even lbgt americans.

some of your gays, think we should let you tackle the BIG issues left for you by another president who did very little to acknowledge the lbgt community, mister bush. they think you will get to the human and civil rights of the lbgt community eventually. get to it!!! when does someone even have to prioritize getting to human and civil rights.

some of your gays think that maybe money will speak louder than a physical protest. this is america after all. so some of your gays as you know want to withhold supporting the dnc in raising funds. imagine if all those fabulously wealthy gays didn't write checks in support of politicians who only just gave lip service

and some gays think you have become just like everyone else in washington d.c., a POLITICIAN. those gays think you are waiting to take on the gay issues after you win the confidence of some bigoted, small minded hateful, americans and run for a second term and become president again. if you did that you would realize your dreams and goals but the lbgt community who wants to marry and celebrate father's day with their families would be out in the cold for another 4 plus years.

"four more years, four more years", worked well for mister bush's popularity!

oh one more question, really off the father's day congratulation message i am sending you. do you think politicians have consciences? and if they do, do they ever have guilty consciences?

so happy father's day!

burn baby burn...

awwww, the sweet memories of days gone by when fire and brimstone ruled the land.

the days when witch hunts established for religious reasons to save the innocent from the evil doing women of new england. the taking of innocent lives because someone was fighting on behalf of their god to make sure good triumphed over evil. the sweet smell of flesh burning in public arena's to teach a lesson to all that even if there is no proof of evil, as long as one person feels another is bad based on bigotry, ignorance and fear, then in the name of god it is okay to burn them to death.

and the pogroms in russia and eastern europe. those vile, evil jews living in villages with all those jewish trinkets and blasphemous jewish things like synagogues which defy the real christian religion or the real rule of dictator god like king or czar or emperor, burn those huts those homes that land, and show those evil doers that there can only be one way to think and live.

the sweet days of nazi germany, when people were told how to think and what to think. the days when it was easier to find a scapegoat to blame for your self made troubles or a scapegoat to mention when it was the government who reneged on a promise or a dictatorial leader was more concerned with his well being than those of the people he governed. take those jews, or gypsies, or homosexuals and brand them, beat them, and burn their places of establishment, to prove that two wrongs don't make a right, but that one wrong trumps any right, make them burn in hell.

wear a white hood, hide behind your own insecurities and in the pitch black of night 20 of you against one or two, scare the black folk out of their beds and make them run like wild animals and finally tie, or tar and feather them and place a noose around their neck, reminding them how they are not human. and as a final lesson burn them, or burn their homes forcing their young children to run frantically into the night, traumatized for a lifetime as they look into the bonfires made from the few items they owned.

awww, fire, it makes such a burning point, when sense or truth just can't find it way into reason or rhyme.

and now as if we haven't learned from a sordid past of idiots, fear mongers, self loathing individuals who only have the power to hate, there is a small library in connecticut where a book about a family of mommies, no dad and mommy, has caused emotional and irreconcilable distress for those who seem to be drawn to the evil book, they want the book banned and of course burned. you can't allow freedom of expression, only the freedom of SUPPRESSION!
burn it because the evil will haunt the library if the book is left on the shelf. the papers and the binding must be made into ashes. burn the book because it may allow some to think outside of the box. to think that maybe choice is good. that difference has merit.

burn baby burn... the only way to rid the world of the devil is to use the actual environment in which the devil lives (fire), to make our world better.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"i pity the fool"

"i pity the fool", a quote so precisely stated by mr. t, seems to have come unto its own once again with the recent marital shenanigans of one of the two senators of nevada, senator ensign.

"i pity the fool" who stands on his hill of hypocritical hyperbole shouting so soundly about the precious institution of marriage being a sacred right for one man and one woman, only to have his words smack him in the head and with a resounding "practice what you preach mister." and if marriage is so special for one man and one woman, why did you decide to have two women (a mistress and a wife.)

" i pity the fool" senators vittor, mc cain and ex speaker gingrich, who spit in the wind and have the foul taste of dishonesty and moral ineptitude smack them in the face as they glorify the institution of marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman while "womanizing" or was it just simply put "cheating" with a second female while supposedly in marital bliss.

"i pity the fool", who stands upon his "marriage is between on man and one woman" soapbox, stating that same sex marriage is not as fulfilling or natural, as miss california stated, opposite sex is and looks the other way as married opposite sex couples have one affair after the other, and in the case of mayor giuliani, marry over and over again.

"i pity the fool" who refuses to see marriage for its real love between two people who don't need to have extra marital affairs, who don't get married because its expected by their family and friends, and who seem to marry out of convenience.

senators ensign, vittor, mc cain, you now have more reason to stop the charade, and tell your co-workers, that marriage only works when you are in love, and being in love has no gender, it has heart, and soul, and reason. that those who do believe in the institution of marriage believe in it because they found someone, man or woman, man or man, woman or woman, who they can and want to share their life with forever, and always.

"i pity the fool", who pretends to be happy with his spouse, pretends to have unquestioned morals, and who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

"i pity the fool", who thinks that since he or she is an elected official, their foolish behavior is beyond pity.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i'm confused...

...our elected officials seem to be concerned that any health care system that is even partially run by the government is not good for america as it will not allow "fair competition" from the for profit health insurance companies. YET, the health care plan our elected officials receive is tax payer paid for, handled by the government. and we as the benefactors of that health insurance plan have never been asked to debate what kind of plan our elected officials should receive...hmmm!

...our elected officials want to run for office, they campaign vigorously for positions in government, telling us why they should represent us. YET once they get into office the form of communication between politician and citizen becomes more remote and less frequent until the next cycle of elections comes about and they once more remind us that without the american voter they (the politicians) could not do their job. and that is the point, it becomes a job, but one it seems with no supervision. hmmm!

...we elect all types of politicians to office. they supposedly are working for us, they are considered public servants. the only reason they have the office they so tiredly campaigned for is because the majority of the voting public allowed them to do so per each vote cast. YET, when many of our elected officials retire from office they write their autobiographies of lessons learned while in office, or why they did what they did for the public good, or an attempt at rewriting their particular history. how come we, the public who allowed them to take front and center, to do the job they supposedly wanted to do for the american population never get any portion of the proceeds from the books they write while working for us. hmmm!

...we view almost all interviews or speeches or impromptu comments on video or hear it on audio tape, and the camera doesn't lie nor does the tape. YET, when a politician misstates the truth, or says something he or she believe is true, or comment on a particular segment of he population in derogatory language he or she denies ever saying it, or even better that it was taken out of context, even though the entire comment has been video aped or on audio. hmmm!

...why do we with the power of the ballot allow all of this nonsense to continue, year after year, electing people who tun into politicians who turn into self absorbed individuals who once they take their oath of office, seem to think the will of the people is less then their own blind ambitions.

i'm confused????

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


the iranians are running through the streets arguing the flaws and the thievery of their election process. they are complaining about the unfair, illegal election of their next president.

the iranian people want to take their government back and want it to be a government for the people, by the people of the people. done fairly and justly.

is there anything wrong with that?

seems history kind of repeats itself, and he u.s. had the same kind of interference during the gore v bush fiasco election, and the american people allowed the courts to make a hall mark decision in electing our president.

and now with the last election obama v mccain, some americans, mainly hard core republicans want to secede from the union, or still try and disqualify president obama saying he was not born a american citizen.

seems no one is safe when it comes to finding democracy, whether it bethe large emblem of democratic principals like the u.s., or a member of the so called axis of evil, iran.

what does seem common is that most people, want their government to work for them. they want a government, that listens to their citizens, works for their populations, and does not want people who run for higher office to abandon the civil rights, the human rights of their constituents. they do not want career politicians to put their beliefs, benefits, and less than benevolent behaviors before the public's goods and needs.

the u.s. needs to look closely at how the iranians handle this election, because we also have a very poor record of making democracy a virtuous act in this country.

our way of government as been tarnished, and democracy has fallen, it seems to me off the priority list.

Monday, June 15, 2009

flag day

we just celebrated "flag day".

when i was student at linden elementary school, in pittsburgh pa, miss marie cyphers, was the music teacher. (in the 50's and early 60's, somehow the arts, p.e., were considered viable and important enough to incorporate them into the daily curriculums of public schools). miss cyphers was the individual responsible for the patriotic inspiration and she taught all students of linden school to sing songs about the american flag. and every flag day on the front lawn of linden elementary school the kindergarten to eighth classes would participate in a demonstration of americana and we would proudly wave our flags an sing our hearts out praising the beauty of the red white and blue.

i still, when asked, can sing the lyrics of two or three "flag day", songs. and for me they used bring back memories of an innocent time, of a time when i was told that america was created to fight communism, that love america or leave it, that america was fair, and honest, and that we were a place of true democracy and we played fair and honest, and our politicians were elected by the people for the people. where almost everything was in black or white except for the flag.

i still when asked can sing the songs learned for flag, by miss cyphers, but this time the memories are not as bright as the red white and blue glistening from the flag as it waves majestically in the wind.

i now see a country that for the past 8 years was lied to, told to be afraid, even told who the enemy was we were to fear. i see a country, that had its supreme court elect a president, not the voters. i see a country that allowed the rich to get so rich that no one wanted to place any restrictions or limits on how they made their money, but insisted gluttony, greed and gimme was an american right. i see a country that disguises its bigotry by saying that we do what we do for the kids, for a healthy family for religious purposes. i see a government run by partisan forces so hurtful that almost each and every politician elected refuses to look to the middle for solution, but prefers to look at how they might get re-elected by going to extremes.

when i now hear people sing songs about the flag, i hear them sing songs about "their" flag. how we are different than you. how my flag is not the same as your flag because you are liberal, or conservative, or gay, or don't believe in the correct jesus, the one who is on the mantel of my church, or worse you don't believe in jesus at all.

as i remember the flag is still the same colors, red white and blue as when it was created a long time ago. the only change about the flag are the amount of stars.

i flew the flag for flag day and had a bunch of friends over for a picnic and wondered how many people really felt great about being an american how many people felt they were a part of a country which seems to grow further a part with the have and the have nots, which seems to grow further away from equality for all, but more towards equality for people just like us.

i flew the flag and sang my favorite song, "many flags", some of the lyrics go, :...there are many flags of many lands, there are flags of every hue, but there is no flag however grand as our own red white and blue..."

i believe that, but it becomes harder and harder to do so.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

when the truth is found to be lies

"...when the truth is found to be lies...", lyrics from jefferson airplane, it becomes scary.

we are now trying to embrace the real reasons as to why we went to war in iraq, except we really aren't because no one is to blame for taking us to war in the first place and the myriad of reasons for going to war originally, have changed, and it seems that was just a bunch of history never to be repeated again, anyway.

fox news recants quotes that aren't substantiated, and with the professional voices of television entertainers, who call themselves reporters they spout this and that and say it enough times that it sounds good, but its like a game of "telephone", because every third time they change the facts just a little, but its fox news so its got be "fair and balanced", doesn't it, anyway!

sarah palin is never quoted correctly, even when she is video taped. someone is always playing politics, or is it "shananigans" with her words, never ever getting it just they way she said it, or is it what she meant to say, but the liberal press hates her so it doesn't count, anyway!

the republicans who voted for no bid contracts during the bush wars, now can't be reminded of the that little fact they spent americans tax money without any checks and balances, and now that the democrats are in power it is there war, and besides the money was already spent, so why the big deal, anyway!

and president obama talked about change, he spoke and speaks of a country beaming with "civil rights", "human rights", but somewhere between his stumping for president, and being elected, he has had a whole bunch of other priorities to handle. so the glbt community can wait their turn. after all who needs a marriage, eh, we have enough qualified heterosexual soldiers, and sailors and marines to fight our wars or interpret foreign languages, and there have been kids up for adoption for decades, they surely can wait till they are adults to be adopted by some loving same sex couples. and the promise of change, it was never specified to whom the change was for, anyway!

has the norm become that truth is fictional? has the norm become that when something is said, it is said with a grain of truth, not the whole seed? has the norm become, we really didn't mean it anyway?

"...when the truth is found to be lies," it seems to be just inconvenient, annoying and who cares, anyway?

Friday, June 12, 2009

clear your throat and conscience

and so the sweet words of sympathy poured in from politicians on both sides of the aisle for the slain guard killed at the holocaust museum. and along with the condolences for mr johns, were words of praise for the mission and purpose of the holocaust museum itself.

republicans and democrats expressed how a place like the holocaust museum, built to educate all people about tolerance, respect, human rights, the ideals that difference can be okay are paramount. and to understand not that the differences between people should separate us, but the areas of what we have in common should bring us closer.

heads were waving, fingers pointing, and hands wrung as all the politicians stated that something like this deplorable act of violence can not happen again. to anyone... ANYONE?!!!!

that is, unless they happen to be the lbgt community in america, where it seems to be okay to make derogatory comments on radio talk shows, or be blasted by the 700 club and evangelical leaders, or be told by politicians that marriage, adoption, and serving in the armed forces is wrong because you happen to be gay.

amazing how some people can talk out of both sides of their mouths, having selective prejudice.

"if i think my hate has merit i can spew it. if i find reason and rhyme in scripture, or believe here say based on false history, or if my parents taught me who to like or dislike, then by all means my hate is different than other kinds of hate, and mine is okay." yes indeedy!

it used to be okay to say women were less than the male gender. after all were they not chattel, god created adam and from his rib, HIS RIB, came eve. weren't women just one more piece of property to be bought and owned by man. it certainly used be okay to have "white only", and "black only" segregated spaces. and there were plenty of good "ole" southern ministers screaming from scripture making a case for no integration. and after all the blacks were brought here from another continent so they were never true americans. and who'd ever consider integrated marriages between races, god created white and black and a few other colors and he sure as hell did not want to blend those colors together. it would be giving a god a black eye, so to speak, if the races mixed.

lots of reason were given not to find the common ground, the human similarities, the essence of loving thy brother. and it seems those same reasons which loomed loud in the past for other minority groups in this country, never vanished even though some new laws were implemented to try and stop the hate. and even though places like the holocaust museum were built to change those views some stronger under current of resentment, self loathing and ignorance still prevail. and some mad man came to this place of peace to create chaos.

and those with the power of the pulpit, the political soapbox, the leaders of the pack, allow the evil to triumph over the good more often than not. making exceptions to hate.

and so the politicians had their 15 minutes of angst, and anger, and just say "NO" to bigotry. and as quickly as they could clear their throats they cleared their consciences.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

like foxes in a hen house

its like foxes in a hen house listening to the washington politicians debate a health plan(s) for the average american.

THEY, (the politicians and their staff, have a socialized form of medicine, paid for by the american people), debate the merits of free enterprise, for profit versus non profit, and the rise and fall of capitalism based on what type of coverage americans should have, other than of course themselves.

THEY seem to think that coverage considerations need to take time and patience, so THEY can come up with a fair and balanced choice. what sweet rhetoric.

time and many people with terminal illnesses, or conditions which if handled immediately would lessen the chance of pain or suffering, might become healthier, free of pain or live a longer life, if the congress found their own backbone and moved as swiftly and in good conscience to really depoliticize health care and do something about it without fear or retribution from the health and drug lobbyists.

for all those right wing/christian conservative legislators who promote "life", and "family" why are they so delinquent in finding a way to solve such an important issue as health care? and for the liberal "we are all created equal politicians" why not push and push for legislation 24/7?

foxes watching chickens is dangerous, you never know who will feed or be fed.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

it happened, again for the first time

it happened yet again...hatred, ignorance, a call to arms, and someone so disillusioned with his life, that he needed a scapegoat to blame for his misfortune. and the news corps was there to cover it, name it, interview the witnesses, call in some talking heads, place blame and try to glamorize the terrible crime without really trying to figure out why.

the holocaust museum in washington d.c., just a few blocks away from the whitehouse, the place that was built to help remind the world how exactly evil, and loathing can jolt and shake the world, and how understanding and reason, calm, and conversation should aide in preventing further outbreaks from xenophobic, bigoted, self loathing purveyors of blame and blight, was attacked by one man and a innocent individual was killed.

and all the news channels had their reporters shaking their heads, had public officials remind us that we will get to the bottom of this, and the "experts", told us how this might have happened and how something like this happened before, but not quite the same.

and then president obama sent his remarks about how there is prejudice and bigotry and how he is the president of all americans, except he has yet to include the lgbt community in the same breath as ALL AMERICANS, as we can not marry nor serve in the armed forces and in some places not even adopt.

and the jewish community is reminded once again, that some may consider jews as americans, but that for others, the jews are the reason for recession, unemployment, too much conceived government intervention, and the recipients of messages of hate from religious groups who are terrified of anyone or anything that is different then they are.
and the news stations have banners and headlines, and grave sounding voices, and might even consider discussion about this relevant topic, until something else comes along. and the politicians will wipe their brows and worry out loud....BUT when will they try to solve the problem?

when will they take on issues of hate, bigotry, religious dogma, scapegoating, blame. when will news channels stop bringing us the headlines, or talking heads, or the view from the right or the left, and get to the point get to the heart of the issue. when?

when might not happen again for the first time?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ever wonder, really wonder

ever wonder, really wonder, the kind of lose sleep over things wonder?

i wonder how the value of life, loses it value when the life lived is a doctor who performs abortions, and is shot dead in church. i wonder why his life is of no value, while those crying of the rights of the unborn never seem to muster up any tear for all lives.

i wonder why the protestors at notre dame, during president obama's speech, found it perfectly okay to have never protested presidents before who had strong belief's on the death penalty, simply stating that abortion is more of a sin than killing a life of a person outside of the womb?

i wonder why many of those in the armed forces are now told, no matter how valuable their service to america during the "bush" wars, are deemed less effective because even after winning merits for value or distinguished service, at times of crisis, their being gay is unamerican, and resonates louder than the invaluable tasks and deeds done.

i wonder if the individuals in congress would find a quicker solution to the national health insurance crisis, if perhaps during their political posturing, all of them would have to pay for their own health care and no longer be on the dole with tax payers paying for that cost. i wonder if all federally elected officials would find a fair and equitable health insurance policy if they were subject to the same scrutiny as the average american, worrying about pre existing conditions, availability to certain drugs, denial of certain procedures. wonder how wonderful of a plan we would suddenly have.

i wonder why, what seems to be easy questions of wonder, are seemingly so wondrous and never quite answered.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

dear mister obama,

change we were told, by you, is necessary, vital and something ALL americans deserve.
you insisted that we must look forward, and not harp on the mistakes of the past by placing blame, but learn from them and push forward, acknowledging that mistakes happen, but never really honing in on who perpetrated those mistakes.  thus mister obama, anything done in the past eight years, by the Bush administration, or the republicans, and the lasse faire democrats is in fact useless, in condemning the authors of the mistakes or the conduits of the mistakes.  we let bygones wile away while the innocent wail away, wondering if anyone has learned anything from their selfish and reckless ways.

and mister obama, you inherited a large buffet of blunders, baloney, and buffoonery, along with quagmires so deep the depth of the oceans or the infinity of space seem small and limited.  and you have begun gallantly to address MOST of the issues which consume most of the Americans.
but mister obama, it seems you have let slide something as simple as recognizing the civil rights of a group of Americans who are both "out" and about, and also hidden and silent, scared and afraid.

the LBGT population of Americans, mister obama, somehow do not seem to high on your list of CHANGE.  this population it seems does not need the right to marry, or the right to serve in the military, the right to experience American life as equals to other Americans.  

it seems mister obama, your schedule of squelching fires and reconfiguring the status quo, has no time for something as American as apple pie, motherhood, freedom, CIVIL RIGHTS.  the civil rights of a group of Americans who have done nothing wrong but be LESBIAN, BI-SEXUAL, GAY and TRANSGENDERED.  it seems that we have allowed those who perpetuate the hatred, the bigotry, the inequality of this population to never be called to task, similar to those in the past eight years who will most likely never be held accountable for their lies, immorality, and gluttony.

how difficult, mister obama would it be for you to really stand for the change you so eloquently preached, and make a stand for ALL americans.  not just simply saying lack of tolerance, lack of respect, lack of facts, and the irrational dogma of bigoted, uneducated religious intolerance should not be part of your presidential administration, part of THIS america, but acting on it sooner than later. 

imagine mister obama, if women's rights were considered something to think about later, mrs. obama might only have been a law clerk, because after all women were less then men.  or imagine mister obama, if the struggle for civil rights for african americans was just not important enough during previous administrations to do more than verbalize, you sir might never had had the opportunity to be a senator or president. and what if we left interracial marriage up to the states, how many decent couples and loving families, would still be denied their ability to love and live however they wanted and wherever they wished.

change mister obama is what you promised, and change is what most americans opted for when they voted for you.  the americans, straight, and gay, white and black, male and female.

how much longer should the American population wait for equal not separate?

how much longer should we wait for you to be more than a blustery politician using words instead of deed to have ALL americans see, feel, and live change.  the CHANGE you promised.

mister obama, the president i voted for seemed more willing to take chances, take risks, not do the political dance of mind changing, or promises depleted, dependent on the mood of some of the nation, but to act on his conscience, morals, and values.  and remind us as AMERICANS we ARE equal.

it would be nice mister obama, for you to be a president who is a PRESIDENT, of all the people, how proud to call you MISTER PRESIDENT, mister obama.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

amnesia.  it seems those politicians responsible for war, or taxes, or gluttony of riches, for lying about the truth, for delaying a vote because they were not paid enough by the lobbyists, for looking the other way in spite of the facts or lack of facts, all come down with amnesia.  they assume, i assume, that most people will forget the grains of truth recent history presented, and by the time the historians recant the facts out of the fiction, most people will have moved on and forgotten what really happened.
when do we ever hold accountable a politician?  when do we ask them to explain what they did, and why they did it?
we are told by politicians that the institution of marriage is sacred, and while they are making that sales pitch, they are cheating on their spouses, and newtie even has the audacity to have been cheating on his wife as he called bill clintons extra marital affair a sin.  we are told that the economy will be better if we all allow the trickle down theory to work, the middle class suffers as senator graham from texas is a courting the saudi's and making deals to increase his pocketbook. we proceed in a war in iraq with no bid contracts to help our soldiers and receive in return shoddy equipment from mister cheney's company, who after he left the us in shambles is now back on the payroll.  we are told that education is not really good for running the country, and ask the electorate who would you rather have a meal with, a smart rich educated man like john kerry, or a good ole boy, like george bush.  and john mccain somehow feels no remorse that americans should cater to the lowest of low common denominators and elect sarah palin as vp.
how many times do we have to vote out the bum, before no more bums are voted in?
sometimes i think the voter has a worse case of amnesia than the politicians.