Mark Sanford and John Ensign both scolded President Bill Clinton on his indiscretion with Monica, and said on their holier than thou pulpits that if they ever found themselves in HIS predicament, they would do the Christian thing and resign from office. But now when reminded of those statements we are told to move on in life. What once was just IS NOT now
Senator John McCain, was all for the invasion of Iraq, saying that we should muddle through Afghanistan because, Iraq was where the real threat to America lived. Now the Viet Nam war hero, says Afghanistan is the real war zone and we wasted too much time in Iraq. When asked about his lack of interest in Afghanistan originally, he pouts and says can't you guys move forward?
The Republican leadership, the good ole boys and girls of the Congress and the Senate, talk about how this President is spending too much of the American taxpayer dollars. They oppose more and more money being drained into causes, that just seem like a bottomless pit. When confronted about the Iraq war and Haliburton, and all the war time vendors who never had one contract looked at or reviewed, they just shrug and say that is so yesterday.
Why do we all allow this irreverence and ignorance of facts from the past to be ignored. Why do we permit selective amnesia to invade the bodies and minds of Politicians? Why do we continue to walk a road as if the path was never stomped upon by wrong ideas, bad judgements, and selfish behaviors.
When do we take back America from the inept, the ignorant, the blatantly vile and self serving men and women called Politicians? The ones who say they want to better America for us, but only find joy and happiness and lots of extra money in satisfying themselves. The ones who never want us to look back, but face forward to avoid the evil trail they leave behind?
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