Monday, October 5, 2009


And now the madness really begins. According to the Republicans and their henchmen names like Limbaugh, Beck, Malkin, Hannity et. all, a fair election is not a true election. Democracy does not work when the person elected is not of the Republican ilk, and also if by chance his skin does not match the hue of those from good families of the South and Midwest.

The President is now supposed to be ignored and assumed a stooge. He is a man who really did not win the election but stole it. A man who not only is NOT an American citizen, but a clone from the worst of the worst of Fascists, Communists and even Nazi's.

We are told that for the next 4 years being a true Patriot is being anti-American. We are told that if the President thinks it is good for America, it is bad for real Americans. Whatever the President's plan for change it will only create havoc and a hailstorm of human rights disappearing and drown down the drain of rotten Obama hell.

We are told based on the truth of innuendo, fabrication, here say and rumor that believe what I say, not what I do, and believe that if we say it, it IS true. And truth, the kind spewed by fear mongers, hooligans, gluttonous goons, greedy and generous only to themselves individuals is real.

And the dumber, the unintelligent, the lemmings, the loathing losers who blame everyone else for their stake in life, just bathe in this baloney and hate, hate, hate.

And it is, fair to undermine the President, the Flag, the Constitution, the democratic policies, until the masses understand that Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Corporations are the true inheritors of this Nation.

And now the madness, which, if we had seen as a screenplay, we would wonder what warped mind created it, is taking on its own life. And as it breathes air into its lung, it depletes my oxygen, and yours. And this madness is becoming a monster. Do you want to wait around as it terrifies and takes away sanity?

Maddening isn't it!

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