When is too little too late really wrong? When is one for you, two for me just selfish and inhuman? When do we finally say thank you for a job well done, for us and not please sir/madam may I have some of what you have? When do we stop kidding ourselves that what a Politician says is not what he/she does? When do we live in hope, harmony, happiness?
When will priorities mentioned by Politicians be priorities you and I have actually scribbled down on a piece of paper as meaningful and memorable for us? When does a kickback not go into the pockets of slimy, self serving usurping Republicans and Democrats, but an honest attempt at honorable heroism find its way at our front doors?
When does enough become ENOUGH? When do we take back a direction for our lives and not count on the gluttony of grubby goons who only seem to want more and never settled with ENOUGH? When is OUR turn?
As the debate over health care churns on and on, as the debacle of facts seem to drift into endless space, as the decibels of name calling, lies told and facts removed revolve like a spinning top, as nothing gets done for the many, just for the few, when do we finally take control?
How much more money do the Senators need from lobbyists to make sure their bank roles are solid, while almost every American citizen goes broke trying to stay healthy? How much more "payoffs", do our Representatives need to make their careers in Government even more "cushy", while average Americans only hope that they never have to decide pay for medical coverage or food?
When does this stop? How loud do sane people have to scream or shout above the noise of those with no conscience?
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