Then YOU told me that the Federal Government should ignore the rights of the individual states and permit concealed weapons to be carried by all Americans because it is their right to do so above and beyond what each state might legislate.
YOU told me that if we did not support President Bush during a time of war we should leave this country because only anti American communist loving individuals would not support a President during war.
Then YOU told me that we should not pay attention to anything President Obama says or does, even though we are still at war. You told me that good citizens should rebut this President and being at war right now is not sufficient cause to support him.
You told me that a Public Option is not necessary. You told me that if I am sick I should go to an emergency room. YOU told me if I run up an array of outrageous medical bills I should go to a public charity and ask for assistance. YOU told me if I find I have not enough enough money to pay my medical bills, but not poor enough to live of the dole, I should then sell all my possessions quit my job and then become poor enough to receive whatever Government money is available for the poor.
Then YOU told me that your Government run health care plan is just perfect for you and your family needs, and for some of YOU it has been that way for over 30 some years. YOU told me that what YOU have in health insurance is good enough for some but not for me.
YOU lie and any one who believes YOU is stupid. YOU have double standards and care only about the gifts you receive from lobbyists for your political campaign. YOU say you are in politics for the American people, but YOU refuse to include all Americans in most decisions made.
How do YOU sleep at night? How do YOU live with yourself? How do YOU live YOUR life without a conscience?
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