Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Arrogance, is it a noun as in look at the arrogance as the Senate tries to push all blame for greed and gluttony on Goldman Sachs's excesses to enrich the bottom line of its share holders, and of course the working rich. Arrogance as an aroma as fingers pointing away from one's self in order to pretend that all ills all immoral activity were done by others even if it was your job to protect the innocent.

Arrogance as a verb. How arrogant the "party of no", the Republicans in the Senate behave speaking out of one side of their mouth as they espouse the woes and worries of the working class, and proudly yell out of the other slurred side, we will oppose this President no matter what the cost to the people. The men and women who say they speak about the rights of the people, but line up in conformity to oppose health care reform, issues of environment and now finance reform for nothing but plain political vengeance.

Arrogance the proclamation, as Fabrice Tourre the executive director Goldman Sachs International rebutted "unfounded attacks" on his character but admitted to errors of judgement in a series of emails that joked about Goldman's creation of "Frankenstein" financial products. The emails to his girlfriend, made public over the weekend, had appeared to demean his work as "intellectual masturbation" and as production of "Frankenstein" products.

Arrogance the insult, as SEC, the Securities Exchange Commission , the supposed watchdog government organization, found sleeping for the past 8 years awakens to be held accountable, responsible for no professional, moral or relevant oversight of the finances of this country. How appalled the commissioners act when accused of not doing their job. We tried they cry as sheep in a slaughter house but we did not have the backing of the Congress. we wanted to do our jobs but something got in the way---like kick backs, lobbyists, lack of Congressional backbone.

Arrogance as in none at all as the Tea Baggers remain silent on the republican party's refusal to even debate a finance reform bill on the floor of the Senate. The Tea Baggers who claim to be the voice of the people, never move their lips to refute the political maneuvers of a republican party who only have the concerns of their own needs, futures at hand. the Tea Baggers who are ready to deny any "brown skin" person freedom in Arizona, who demand the black skin president is not the true leader of this Aryan nation, and who seek the selfish cut back in taxes so they can feel one step atop the ladder o better than anyone that does not look like them.

Arrogance an American cultural blip that has risen to the surface once again. It started with Reagan in the 80's when the trickle down economy tricked as far as the wealthy bank accounts. It bobbed up again when Bush/Cheney decided that the average American needed a scapegoat, and as long as they made others the culprit for the wrong doings of the world, all civil liberties could be banned. It made its phenomenal rebound when a duly elected president took office who was intelligent and had arms widespread to be inclusive and who wanted make change. But the smart, the educated, the intelligent made those who like to lead lemmings nervous and worried.

What a wonderful three ring circus we have going on in Washington DC, all under the big top of arrogance. The Senate is going to not take the crap Wall Street as strewn over America, at least not now so close to an election year. The boys of Wall Street from Citigroup to the current band of thieves at Goldman Sachs are not going to be scapegoats (we were only following orders for our share holders). And the American public who suffered the consequences of their own need for greed and their own inability to control the management of their meager pay checks. (do we cheer on the Democrats who are really Socialists, or do we buoy the Republicans who are true Capitalists? Do we shoot ourselves in the foot because allowing the Republicans to spoil yet one more reform would be acquiescing to the democrats who only work the minorities, poor, average and freeloaders)?

Whether arrogance is a noun, and action, or a description of a thing or action it is rampant and until we realize it is one of the root causes of noting good being done we will continue to be victimized by it.

As Mr.T so eloquently once said, "...I pity the fool..."

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