Thursday, April 29, 2010

sister sarah...again

Tweet this Sister Sarah, are you going to bring a mop and broom and help sweep up the oily sludge flowing freely in the Gulf of Mexico. You can wear one of your designer clothes purchased for you during your unfortunate rise to power during the last Presidential campaign. Or spend some of your cash earned while writing your book of lies and machinations (or the money paid as a well versed FOX News Person, news as you see it based on hate and loathing, and purchase a tee shirt with the ‘mavericky’ phrase you so Miss Wasilla-ishly shout, “…Drill Baby Drill…”

Quite a mess in the Gulf, Sister Sarah, ‘doncha thinkie’! Can you see the Gulf from your back porch? Do you actually know where the Gulf of Mexico is located or does one of your handlers (the same people who write your speeches, your Tweeter account, and the words on your hands) have to give you a geography tutorial to find it?

“Death Panels”, Sister Sarah, remember when you gleefully tried to dissuade those who most need medical care from accepting a healthier life for them and their older parents. Remember when you shouted from the safety of a one way dialogue about Obama Care being all about Death Panels”. You actually have invented a new form of communication which I call ‘I bate’. It is like a debate but without an opposing party and absolutely no facts or reason to back up any or all ideas, let alone ideals. You had no real ration or reason to call end of life communication with physicians Death Panels, except that it resonated with the dumb that needed some excuse to hate the black man who was democratically and fairly elected to office. What kind of health insurance do you carry Sister Sarah, or is bartering with the doctors in Alaska for quality medical care sufficient enough?

And now from that podium on a lofty ivory tower, you are being quoted as accusing the President of using racist tones when describing the Nazi like immigration bill passed in Arizona. Racist tone, really? The police are now able to stop at random anyone who looks like an illegal? What exactly does an illegal look like Sister Sarah? Remember the brown shirts and the SS and the Gestapo (or was that ancient history and you were busy rehearsing your pageant walk instead of studying), remember how they had the power to stop ANYONE they deemed the enemy. You love to find enemies in others don’t you, kind makes you more powerful. Racist, Sister Sarah, asking Americans for their papers because they have brown skin or dirty hands, or speak with an accent IS Racist. Ask one of your handlers to go to Wikipedia and look up the definition of racist.

You are a sad person Sister Sarah, built on vengeance, virulent vocals, misdeeds and misguided self serving principles. But the sadder thing is that so many mindless morons out in America are tuning into your noise and without any hesitation. You permit them to hate, you permit them to discriminate, you permit them to step on the Constitution, and you permit their nagging and continuous bias and bigotry to flourish.

You yell fire in the theater as you are exiting out the door, and never once look back as the crowd falls upon themselves trying to escape. What a ‘mavericky’ thing to do.

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