“…You think that I don’t even mean a single word I say…It’s only words, and words are all I have to say to take your heart away…”written by the Bee Gee’s in 1968).
The 21st century in America has suddenly found a game changer, one that permits free speech, but never asks the creator of the speech to follow his words with fact, honor or responsibility. Speaking out of both sides of one’s mouth has become common folly. And to deny and refute words spoken out loud recorded in print, video or audio has become common practice.
In addition, the phrases, “misquoted”, “out of context”, and “I really didn’t mean that” are so commonly used as excuses for truth that one has to wonder why some people even speak at all.
The Pope and the Vatican have once again found themselves engulfed in a scandal of priests and pedophilia, denial and disregard, morality and immorality. Yet, instead of taking the higher ground, the Vatican and the Pope have now turned their marketing machine away from what Jesus might do to resolve the matter into, what can we do to save our asses.
The words have now flown from the Vatican spokespeople, not so much about the crime, the shame, the victims, but more about how the Pope is THE victim.
Dean of the College of Cardinals, Angelo Sodano’s words: “…The Pope embodies moral truths that aren’t accepted, and so, the shortcomings and errors of priests are used as weapons against the church…”
So the Pope is the one to decide which truths are sacred and which truths need to be ignored or brushed to the side. So molesting a child is just and error or a shortcoming. I suppose his Holiness and his cadre of self righteous spokes men assume something like the child will soon “get over it,” in a year or two. So proclaiming the disgust, the vile nature, the immoral behavior of priests is not as bad as demanding that the Pope and the Vatican stop this madness---again, and again?
Spanish Cardinal Julian Herranz (head of disciplinary commission for the Holy See) adds his words: “… The Pope defends life and the family based on marriage between a man and a woman in a world where powerful lobbies would like to impose their agenda…”
Ah, the life of a molested child and the ramifications on his family are less of moral statute and priority then restricting the lives of those who want to marry because they love one another. Denying the rights of the LGBT community to participate in marriage is prime fodder for the Pope, but not stopping a violent action of priest predators is not worth mentioning. It’s the evil lobbyists who have made a mountain out of a molehill. You are only picking upon the church now ‘cause you are pissed about the Pope’s intrusion into the Institution of Marriage. You sore losers!
Mister family values obstetrician turned Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has made it very clear that Christian values, Christian morals, Christian sense is what this country was founded upon, and by ignoring those God given principles this country is on the downside. He espoused those virtues as he tried to pay off the husband of the lady who had a tryst with his co-family values friend Senator John Ensign. Of course Senator Coburn denied at first that he would stoop to anything so low as to aid and abide an adulterer (aren’t do not lie and do not commit adultery part of the 10 commandments), but when evidence proved otherwise the good doctor senator changed his denial into more of you misunderstood what I said.
But his newest words have to do with those deadbeats who are unemployed. The Obstetrician/Senator’s words: “…the financial futures of America will be in jeopardy if another $9 billion is spent on an extension of unemployment benefits, and the money will only affect insignificant and relatively small amount of people...”
For starters the Senator has disrupted 200,000 Americans (I guess when you make the money the Senator does and you live in an Ivory Tower or in C Street 200,00 of anything is insignificant) from having their benefits interrupted just this week. Add that to about 300,000 more in just the next week and then start using your fingers and toes to count the rest affected by this lack of concern. Insignificant is just so endless.
If a family has no additional income, if medical bills, mortgage payments, grocery shopping each have to be parsed and prioritized, and argument pursue or feelings of inadequacy erupt in a family already on the downside, I wonder what kind of values are going to be shared? If a parent can not fend for his family, if a spouse is unable to provide, if desperation become depression what happens next?
Senator Coburn is so ready to preach the gospel but live it; well that is just a insignificant horse of another color.
Then Senator John Ensign of Nevada, the well known social conservative and family values advocate admitted to having an eight-month extramarital affair with a married campaign aide. Senator Ensign took the microphone and soap box to call on both President Clinton, and former Idaho Senator Larry Craig to resign after their sex scandals.
His words for Bill Clinton included: “…I think we are dealing with a very serious problem here. With what we know and what we already knew, to me, the honorable thing to do would be to resign…” And for Larry ‘I Am Not Gay’ Craig, Senator Ensign’s words went like this: “…[Senator Craig’s conduct was] embarrassing not only to himself and his family but to the U.S. Senate. “…I am calling on Craig to resign for his allegedly soliciting sex in an airport bathroom…”
It is almost a year later, and after and unsuccessful attempt by Senator Ensign’s father to buy gifts for the husband of the cheating wife, after hiring the adulteress’s son for Republican job denial and denial by Ensign, the man is still in office. His words of acknowledgment that his lack of family values not only ruined his family but left a huge stain in another family... and he falls silent.
And last but certainly not least, the Lt. Governor, hoping to take the seat of the adulterer, family valued current Governor of South Carolina, Lt Governor Andre Bauer thought it was rather folksy to compare feeding the unemployed and those down on their luck with feeding stray animals.
His words resonated as such: “…My grandmother was not a highly educated woman but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals…” “..You know why?...Because they breed…” he then continued with these words: You are facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better.
Good Christian family values about the poor and the unemployed. This is an Evangelical Christian who goes to church every Sunday and warns the South Carolinians about the evils of Gays, Communists, Democrats, and Minorities and praises the Lord who created America and particular the state of South Carolina.
One or two politicians in attendance as the Lt Governor made his family “valued” speech were appalled. The rest were not. Apparently because the poor and unemployed would not have time to vote as they would be roaming the streets in packs looking for food.
It’s only words alright. Lot’s of talk, lots of noise, lots of hate. It’s only words and when we want them to count we stand behind them, when we want them to be forgotten because people with a brain have listened or people with a conscience have complained, we repudiate even saying them. It’s only words and we use them as weapons to hurt and maim and destroy.
How is it not too many people find brighter, bigger, better words to really try and find consensus, compromise, compassion? How is it the ugly part of the words echo and the pretty parts left unheard?
These self proclaimed religious hypocrites spew word after word. They deny others and reinforce their own selfish and self loathing rhetoric. And those who find no words for them self, but who like to hear bigotry, and bogus reason for hate, listen with bated breath.
It's only words, if only!
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