Wednesday, April 14, 2010

unreasonable resonation's

Unreasonable resonation's! Yep, it seems now a day’s fact is folly, emotion is education with added concern for the foolish and selfishness then becomes reason du jour.

Fight back with fable, deny responsibility, and do as I say not as I do. Find a scapegoat so the boogie man stays away from my house. Admit you are right, they are wrong, throw in some nonscientific shenanigans, mix some religious dated dogma, say it’s for the kids, and dance in front of an aborted American flag. Shout a lie long enough so it echoes back as the truth. Rely on fiction avoiding all facts and scream louder and longer than your perceived opponent and the game is yours.

And with the small minds of many Americans, the bigoted bias of some, the lack of memory by most, anything but real, honest or sincere grabs the headlines and becomes priority to protest and pertinent in proclaiming an enemy.

My stomach grows pained when I read about the latest series of hypocrisy, self victimization, bully pulpits, phony politicians, and religious leaders who so boldly say they speak for God, but are mute in reciting the meaning of God’s words.

Cardinal Tarcisco Bertone the Pope’s ‘number two man’ who is sometimes called “the deputy pope” told a news conference in Santiago Chile, “ Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown there is no link between celibacy and pedophilia, but many others have shown, I have been recently told there is a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia.”

Wow, maybe if you lie loud enough exaggerate the facts big enough the fact that your responsibility (the Vatican) will be ignored and fingers pointed away from yourself will ease the burden of your own guilt.

Not handling each and every molestation case done by your priests to both boys and girls is just an inconvenient truth, but blasting out against the Gays is your saving grace. Not owning up to your own cross to bear, but crucifying others for your sins makes you a better Catholic. Cast dispersions on others and hide in a cloak of denial and deceit.

Mike Huckabee a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012 says the effort to allow gays and lesbians to marry is comparable to legalizing incest, polygamy and drug use. Huckabee added as he spoke to the audience at The College of New Jersey in Ewing N.J. that gay people should not be permitted to adopt, as “children are not puppies.” The former Arkansas governor added to his list of baseless and bile statements that “I don’t have to prove that marriage is a man and a woman in a relationship for life…but they (the activists who want to change the law), have to prove that two men can have an equally definable relationship called marriage and somehow that can mean the same thing.”

Really so all heterosexual marriages have the exact same goals, definitions, and purpose. Once a man marries a woman, no matter how unique they are as individuals the bottom line for all heterosexual couples is the same. So when one man cheats on his wife because he didn’t love her in the first place all men cheat on their wives? So when a woman marries a man for status and money all women marry for status and money? So when there is no love left in a marriage but just sham and shame resulting in discord and distance in the home all marriages fall into the dumps?

A man marrying a man, falling in love with his soul mate, dedicated in love and honor to his partner means little to less than a female and male who love honor and respect marriage? So adultery and infidelity by a heterosexual male has different purpose and can be excused and does not disturb the Institution of Marriage?

And all those puppies’ gay men seem to gather and inappropriately call a family, has anyone, like you ex-governor Huckabee, have you even asked them if they feel loved? How many heterosexual families give birth to their children, ignore their children, despise their children and stop providing their children with true love, true human values? What about those kids living in homes where mother or father have abandoned them, or where abuse reigns supreme, or emotion is a foreign word. Are those kids not forgotten pets? Have you asked the kids whose parents send them off to boarding school, who hire maids, butlers and nanny’s to raise them if they feel loved?

Mr. Huckabee why not just admit you have no idea about the meaning of Gods’ word, so you fill in the gap with your personal crap.

I remember when kids would try and pick on others thinking by doing so no one would notice their own flaws or failings. I remember when you needed to find a scapegoat for fear that if you would be a victim of hate, harassment, if you did not point the finger outward.

Seems the cowardliness of blaming others for your own faults is a popular trend now days. From the “tea party brigade who just don’t want to follow rules or pay their faire share in the community, to the “birthers”, who just are so uncomfortable in their own skin so they admonish someone whose skin color is not white, to Evangelicals who use blasphemy whenever they say they are following Jesus’ words and works, it seems no one wants to take responsibility for their behavior. Blame someone else; victimize them for your own inadequacies.

And then there those of us who allow the unreasonable to resonate; we look the other way, we shake our heads rolling our eyes skyward, we think they will go away. But they never do, and like a rolling stone they gather moss and get larger. Worries me that the stone is turning into a boulder, and the boulder into an immoveable mountain and instead of crossing over the plateau, we seem to find a detour and avoid our original path.

And the resonating of unreasonable rhetoric gets louder and louder.

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