The U.S. Constitution; it was written for some, and readily available to be denied to others. Its interpretation is easily translated to include certain rights, and just as easily misinterpreted to exclude other rights depending on your own definition of “We the people…” At least the militia minded self proclaimed patriots of America 2010 seem to think so.
The current amendment du jour, of the Constitution being bandied about, holstered, ammunitioned, and loaded is the Second Amendment which states that “…A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed…”
Seems the freedom lovers who are busy now minding the Constitution were somewhat distracted or less delusionary when in November 1999 Bush is appointed President by the Supreme Court. Thousands of voters were illegally disqualified after a massive election fraud perpetrated by his brother Jed in Florida, and in his second term of office no more protection from unlawful searches and seizures when Habeas Corpus was eliminated with George Bush proclaiming ‘…don’t throw the Constitution in my face during a time of war…’
On April 19 Open-carry gun enthusiasts plan to have their pistols loaded and openly carried at an organized rally because they are concerned about health-care reform, climate control, bank bailouts, drug laws and President Obama’s capitulation to a totalitarian socialism that will trample individual rights. The attendees at this rally contend that ‘packing heat’ on the doorsteps of the federal government is within the mainstream of political speech.
The people are going to threaten the democratic system because the democratically elected President is black, the democratically elected Congress is majority democrats, and since their man/woman did not win sufficient enough votes in November, they (the militia minded patriots) are going to shoot their way back into power.
They all say they are coming to ‘Restore the Constitution’ and they add brandishing weapons is “…not just an important symbol but a reminder of who we are…’ And the whose who of ‘who we are’ include Mike Vanerberg, who advocated throwing bricks through the windows of Democrats who for voted for the health-care bill, Tom Fernandez, who has established a nation call tree to mobilize an armed resistance to any government order to seize firearms, and former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack who refused to enforce the Brady Law.
The day they plan this show of force rally is also the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombings, which militia patriot Timothy McVeigh decided that American justice did not suit him and using his weapons was his second amendment right.
This rally comes a day after the Nazi Socialist's of America held a protest rally in Los Angeles to protest illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities. The leader of the Nazi movement stated that America was founded by white people as a white people's nation. I suppose he forgot about the American Indians who lived here way before the boys from Europe arrived. ( I am curious however as to who is the real Nazi? According to the Tea Baggers Obama is portrayed as a Hitler like Nazi, according to this American fascist group Obama is the enemy.)
The pro gun anywhere anytime militias claim they are preserving the God given rights as proclaimed by our founding Christian fathers. They pick and choose which fact fits, and they readily will draw guns if the real facts get in the way. Its about might not right.
The sad thing is the Republicans who opened this can of worms seems to look the other way and feel kind of chipper that the loaded riffles are not pointed at them. But once a bully begins his reign of terror is the King of the block, the owner of souls and does not kindly to having his/her privileges traded for fair and equal.
A long time ago Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court wrote his Magisterial Commentaries on the Constitution and had it published in 1833. He had tackled the various amendments of the constitution and knew that some article some amendments could cause some to misconstrue their original virtue and some could cause self identified meaning to support a self identified cause.
“…There is certainly no small danger, that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights….”
“…How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see…”
So now we in America are trading the ballot for the bullet. We through in a few words about God, wring our hands in a bloody red white and blue, and self victimize trying to blame others for our lack of civil discourse.
Get ready America, right now its the democrats in office who are on the bulls eye, after that is it all Hispanics in the U.S., Gays and Lesbians, Non- Evangelical Christians, (yep even you Mormons Glenn Beck), Jews, and just about anybody who acts "uppity"?
When do we read the Constitution as a blueprint for democracy not for hatred, bigotry, fear and separation of we they?
What a great way to celebrate the Oklahoma City bombings.
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