Dr. Rand Paul, the winner of the Kentucky Republican Party primary for senator, a man who spoke in eloquent terms of proudly being a member of the Tea Party and warning the country that the Tea Party is here whether you agree or not has made some national headlines by also speaking loud and large about the issue of civil rights in the U.S.
Dr. Paul most recently appeared on the Rachel Maddow show an was asked about his statements on civil rights which had been made twice during Dr. Pauls’ pre primary town hall meetings. Despite attempts to clarify his position, Senate Republican nominee Rand Paul has angered civil rights leaders and confused some supporters by getting involved in a contentious debate about whether the government overreached in its attempts to bar discrimination.
On the show, he argued that the government should not have interfered with the operations of private business -- even to enforce civil rights -- while emphasizing that he does not support discrimination. He has made similar statements to his hometown paper and to NPR
A spokes person for Republican potential senators said, "He's saying that private business should be able to make decisions on their own without the federal government telling them what they cannot do, and he believes that the Constitution mandates that the federal government has very limited powers, and he doesn't believe that the government should be telling private business what it should do," (Washington Post).
A candidate running for senate as a member of the Tea Bag Brigade is now stating that there is a difference in civil rights of this country as perceived by the government that is different than civil rights as perceived by private businesses. Government according to Dr. Paul has no right in assuring that separate but equal is okay in all we do in this country, but can only permit non discrimination if it relates to government affairs. Government becomes too big when it insists on equality in all we do as Americans. It is too far reaching if it tells a restaurant, a hotel, a ball park, you can’t have white only or black only spaces because it takes away your ability of free speech.
Hmmm. so as a nation we can not permit segregation but as individuals we can be as racist as we desire because this IS America.
Normally I would begin ranting and raving and become indignant of such a proposal, as what I believe sets America apart is the fact that the good of the lesser many times becomes the will of the greater; that inclusion is what defines most Americans.
But then I must remind myself that the truth of the matter is that “we” and “they”, “them” and “us”, live and thrive very well in this country when it comes to the separate but equal this nation takes in regards to the LGBT community. We are not an inclusive country when fears and lies are spread, innuendo, religious dogma smeared as truth, and are based on nothing greater than homophobia disguised as saving the Institution of Marriage, Family Values or Religious Morals.
Dr. Paul it seems is no different than the Catholic Bishops, the Mormon leadership, the Rush Limbaugh’s Sarah Palin’s, Glenn Beck’s, John McCain’s of this country who have decided a double standard. a fabrication of the Constitution, non equality is just. It seems that Dr. Paul is just taking the obvious, “we hate you because we think you are different” theory and re-addressing the issue of separate but equal in terms of color of the skin not just gender or sexuality.
There is an outrage from many, as there should be, that we are even discussing the civil rights movements of the 60‘s ever again. But many of those so appalled because they are no longer color blind seem to be blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to equal rights to marry, adopt children, and serve in the military for anyone in LGBT community.
I am not a fan of Dr. Rand Paul, nor of his close association with the Tea Bag Brigade, but the Republican candidate running for senate in Kentucky seems to be saying out loud what many Americans have been shouting and screaming about Gay Rights. So many personally insulted Americans who decry the removal of civil rights for those in a minority race in America, seem to be quiet and still in defending the minority of Gays and Lesbians living in this country.
Imagine one day when this country elects a whole bunch of Tea Bag Brigaders to take back this country, and all those Tea Baggers decide the Constitution states that this is a Christian country, and tell the Jews to convert or leave, or scream at the Mormons, Jesus only walked in the Galilee not Utah, and the Catholics that they are not the true disciples of their Aryan God. And insist that being an evangelical is being the only true American.
Dr. Rand Paul is the tip of an iceberg that is, if not stopped, will flood this country and destroy all in its path.
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