“This is our country. It is time we stand together and take it back,” said Walorski, the favored candidate of the Tea Party movement running for Congress in Indiana. “This Constitution that I have raised my right hand to defend is under direct assault and I will not stand for it”; quote from the winner of a Republican primary in Indiana.
Interesting isn’t it, how the Constitution die hards use the rights of the Constitution as fodder for their own bias’s but so eagerly want to deny the same implied rights of the Constitution to anyone they deem the enemy. It seems to be their private Constitution, subject to interpretation as they seem fit.
When it comes to marriage equality, immigrant rights, gender based equal pay; the Constitution is never quoted, it is interpreted. When it comes to Democrats wanting to create a National Health Reform, Banking Reform, Abortion Rights, the Tea Baggers and their assorted lunatic fringe like the John Birchers, Cheney Neo Cons, Aryan Nation moan and groan that the founding fathers never intended for any kind of social welfare in this country. ‘It ain’t written by gum they all shout jeer.’
Invisible words appear and reappear in the Constitution and the only ones able to read them have to take a litmus, anti Communist/Socialist/ pure evangelical Christian true blue American test.
Three Republican blow hards, [Senator John McCain ( R) of Arizona (the maverick who has done more flip flopping than a mackerel on dry land, Senator Jon Cornyn (R ) Texas ( a member of the Republican Lone Star Brigade which is threatening secession if they don’t get their way), and Congressman Peter King (R) who has been busy filling his political coffers with all kinds of lobbyist big business money)] have decided that the Constitution does not hold sway in the courts of law of this great nation when it comes to a suspected terrorist who happens to be Muslim. All three are appalled that the Government read the Miranda rights to a low life misfit American, Faisal Shahzad, stating that the information should have been culled from him anyway possible. (Like maybe torture/water boarding). In the reading of the Miranda rights a supposed criminal does retain the ability to remain silent. Due process of AMERICAN law was processed and this anti American jerk sang, spoke, shouted loudly and continues to fill in the gaps.
The Constitution, it seems to senile John McCain, should not be in the way of real justice. The POW McCain felt no desire to permit the laws of this land to take precedent, over the political gains he might muster from those who believe the Constitution was made for only them. Mister Mc Cain, worried that the Tea Party brigade of goons in Arizona might find him a commie or socialist, like Obama, has disavowed his obligation as Senator to uphold this nations laws for a free PR ride showing he ‘ain’t’ no sissy when it comes to terrorism. Add the other two stooges, Peter King of New York, and Jon Cronyn of Texas and you get a potpourri of Un-American, unethical, undemocratic elected officials pandering to a base based on baseless, bile and bigotry.
“I think he’s trying to turn the country into a communist nation,” Michigan City, Ind., insurance agent John Palman said about Obama. “And this is America. We’re not socialists; we’re not communists; this is America, we’re free, so far.” Free so far Mr. Palman, and how will that freedom erode when we only pick and chose what components of the Constitution play into our own political favors. And is it just Mr. Obama who is denying our freedoms when you have three elected officials who want to eliminate the values of Constitution based on bias, bigotry, political gain, fear?
Mr. Palman and potential Congressperson Walorski from Indiana, Senators McCain, Cornyn, Representative King, stop your hypocrisy, hysteria, and hooliganisms, we don’t pick and chose which freedoms this country abides by. It’s the Constitution damn it, not ‘an etch a sketch’ whose words can be erased and rewritten at the whim of idiots. If all five of you are the true Patriots you pretend to be, then be worried that people like you are the true enemy of this country when you disregard the Constitution. I want MY country to be pulled back from the tyranny and tirades chaos and confusion you all have created. Enough already!
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