The great Senator who prides himself as a "true American", protector of the innocent, has declared on the Senate floor that he believes that any American who is affiliated with a terrorist group will have his/her citizenship taken away. Just the suggestion that he/she is a part of any terrorist organization is proof that he/she is not worthy of maintaining his/her citizenship rights as established in the 14th amendment.
The Senator who has now walked upon the mount of not needing reason just fear to make a point, knows in his heart of hearts that no matter what the Constitution says regarding citizenship, he the Tsar over Terrorist, knows better and best for the safety of America.
In a time of terror says Joe, the savior of morality and ethics, measure must be made to fight the boogie man. No need to maintain the most fundamental rights of this land of freedom, when he knows how to stop the bad guy/gal.
So, let me contemplate this. In the early days of Colonial New England we had the Puritans who were able to divide the devil from the details, and warned any witch not to practice witchcraft without the worry of a bonfire or two. No need for facts jut fancy by some uptight men who feared any power a woman might control. In the 1850's and 1860's in the South the real enemy was anyone who did not agree that the blacks in this country were here at God's suggestion to be slaves. The terrorists were those "whitey's" who lived up north, who had some trouble understanding the Bible which clearly spoke of this Christian nation being white. In the 50's we had a group of really bad boogie men, known as Commies. They were under every bed, and everyone knew they would rather be dead than a "red". Senator Joe Mc Carthy made a list checked it twice and found out who was naughty and not so nice and spit upon the Constitution saying he was saving America from itself when he did his "Commie" hunt to rid this nation of anyone he deemed undesirable.
Terrorists, Senator Joe, hmm, does that mean the people who pack heat to go to anti Obama rallies? Does that mean the Tea Baggers who carry signs that say they have the fire power if necessary and have no hesitation to demonstrate the velocity of their guns? Do they look like Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh the famous duo who killed toddlers and teens in Oklahoma City, or Eric Robert Rudolph of the Centennial Park bombing in Atlanta, or James Von Brunn who decided to gun down a guard at the Holocaust Museum on his way to kill a few Jews? Do these terrorists look like Andrew Joseph Stark a Tea Bagger who did not want to pay his income tax and decided to fly through the Austin IRS killing anyone he deemed a bad guy. And does this terrorist look like Shelley Shannon, who murdered Dr George Tiller in church in cold blood. Or the members of the Army of God who target abortion clinics and and any all gay and lesbian night clubs?
Or Senator Joe are they only people who have names like Abdul, Mohamed or Ali?
Terrorism is a plaque on the house of America and the homes of the people of the world. Sane people become victims, righteous people fall pray to the tempers of the beasts who propagandize fallacies and and hide behind heresy and here say. America needs to be stronger than name calling, scapegoating, victimizing. We need to be afraid of the bad guy Senator Lieberman but when I see an elected official like you wanting to step all over the Constitution because you feel weak and afraid, I worry you will become a terrorist taking away my freedoms, just like Bush, Cheney Rove, the Republicans in majority during the 8 years of the last dictatorship.
Do something good for this nation Senator Joe, help find common ground so all of us can battle an enemy from within. All I see you doing in your grandstanding, and wild exotic UnAmerican gesturing is adding flames to an almost out of control fire.
If the job of being Senator is too much for you sir, step aside, move away from the hate, and on your way out take your good bud Senator McCain with you. When do you find your conscience and live by it?
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