Tuesday, May 11, 2010

un real reality

Reality shows, scripted attempts to showcase real people participating in real activities, with supposedly unscripted dialogue have been the bell of the ball ever since the start of the newest millennium. We love to watch drunken college aged spoiled brats become outraged because someone wore a tighter bikini then them. We adore wealthy housewives who demonstrate so clearly that money does not provide class. We swoon over some bitchy babe push around some macho dude. We watch mindless bachelor’s ogle over big busted women declaring while drooling over her body that all he really wants is a woman with heart and soul in a size D cup. And we gleefully explode with laughter as we observe some D list actor trying to make a comeback 150 pounds fatter.

The parade of idiots seeking 15 minutes of fame, portraying the most selfish and self serving behaviors litter our airwaves and anyone with a foul mouth, big boobs, nasty personality, demeanor of a devil becomes an overnight star spreading their fame and fortune as far and wide as the average American permits. It is like watching an accident, we become mesmerized hoping the victim is okay and thanking God it was not us, then tsk- tsking and saying had they not been so careless it (the accident would have never happened in the first place).

The problem is that some Americans actually perceive the characters cast in reality shows to be real. That the dialogue crafted to create conflict and chaos is actually words thought up by the TV personalities. The problem is that many a viewer does not want to question what they see or hear and take as a given that if someone says it, it must be real. And then, then by God it is real. The structure of the plot is crafted so good versus evil, the perceived underdog against the egomaniac, and the righteous against the demon seed. Make it simple, simplistic and for simpletons. Find the common lowest denominator of human kind and sell them the Brooklyn Bridge.

And not to be outdone, both Fox Noise and the non grass root originators of the Tea Bag Brigade have found their own cadre of fiction writers to present to the American political scene a reality show scripted, produced and promoted as real.

Each entity (and at times I wonder if they are the same creator), has scripted scenarios with lots of drama, conflict, havoc, chaos, villains, victims, bad guys, boogie men all fighting the wishes, whims and wants (the wishes, whims and wants are also spoon fed in a wonderful array of propaganda) of a person known as the TRUE AMERICAN. None of the scripts from both Fixed News and the Tea Baggers are based on fact or truth, but ooze with fabrication, innuendo and lies. As in the reality shows, both Fixed News and the Tea Bag Brigade speak a whiff of fact, then sprinkle the rest of the tale with corrosive fabrication filled with “out to get you’s, Un-Americanization’s, inflammatory bigotries, and Un-Christian like machinations to make the most milk toast dummies become enraged and insulted. And it works!

For those who have had enough of unreal reality shows a click of the remote can take them to either television with intelligence or a blank screen. We can avoid the soap opera antics of steroidal muscle boys, botoxed girls, spoiled brats and child like adults and read a book or take a hike. But somehow the remote does not work in stopping the sights sounds and smells of the residual echoes from people who just want to create divisiveness and avoid consensus. These demons are now in local and state politics, they are in the way of civil and human rights, they are pervasive in denying equal rights. They have become like an infected blister and have started to creep and crawl like a death defying rash.

Reality shows, an American cultural phenomena, soon, with the help of real writers, directors, educated people will be a fad that passes like a bad case of gas. Fixed News, the Tea Bag Brigade seems to be more like a stubborn stain that no matter how you try and remove it, it just lingers and lingers. It can be an infection that left untreated rots the body and destroys the mind. Both the reality shows and the Fixed News and Tea Bag Brigade are laughable, but I imagine the laugher demonstrated toward the later could kill you. And I do not want to die laughing.

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