We thought that wellness and health were part of the plan of God to live a full and fair life. So, someone once said lets spend our time on researching and developing drugs and medications to extend life with less pain and less discomfort. And so earnest people with altruistic ideas dug deep using knowledge of science and the art of chemistry and began to invent formula's that kept the pain less and the promise of a better life blossoming. And even though there were some various religious beliefs who felt only God could heal, many more believed man was placed on Earth to compliment God and do our duty in helping many to live life to its fullest. In using terms such as "...its for the children...it's for humanity...it's the extension of God's graces... pharmaceutical cartels were created and at first what counted was the healthy future of humans.
Soon, someone said but making money is important also. Sooner someone said not all humans are the same and some could and should pay more to stay healthy. Soonest someone said supply and demand and if you have the money you pay for the privilege of staying well and if you can't afford the invoice than maybe you just need to find the dollars and come back and see us... that is if you are still alive when you find the funds.
Suddenly, the idea of drugs to keep humans from suffering or sick became more about what is the bottom line... what is in it for us...supply and demand...and this is a business first and a charity second. And suddenly a good idea, a God like idea, a human sharing concept was replaced with profit and loss and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And suddenly the matter of pharmaceuticals to keep your life vibrant could happen if you had enough money to pay to live a healthy life and maybe just to live.
And then the conglomerates, the corporations, the CEO's said it was all about Capitalism and coerced the politicians in thinking more about the American way for the wealthy and dismissing the concerns of anyone else who could not add to the black ink. Suddenly it being for the children, it being s part of the life liberty and pursuit of happiness in the Constitution, it being God's plan were nil and void unless profit was first.
This is for me the greatest place on the Earth to live, but the longer I live I worry that good ideas seem to suddenly turn bad. When we are told that kids, family, life are so important so God like, so American...the same good ideas and ideals cannot be good for everyone if you can't pay the bill.
Why do good ideas seem to be good when you can afford them, and just a good idea for anyone else but you when you have to decide which part of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you have money for in the budget?
I understand profit and loss, bottom lines and share holders, but am amazed at how health, happiness and welfare has suddenly been a gift to the wealthy and a wish and a want for the poor.
Why do so many good ideas turn bad?
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