Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who supervised the burning of the Koran last month, said he's not backing down after receiving death threats
Jones said he feels no responsibility for the violence sparked by his church's action, including the violent protest at a United Nations complex in Afghanistan that left at least 11 people dead - and 20 killed in weekend violence.
Jones said his beliefs are more important - even at expense of American soldiers. Of Saturday's violence, Jones said it proved his point.
"We wanted to raise awareness of this dangerous religion and dangerous element," Jones said. "I think [today's attack] proves that there is a radical element of Islam."
Jones said he decided to put the Koran on trial.
"I was the judge but I did not determine the verdict. I was just a type of referee so that people got their time to defend or condemn the Koran," Jones said. (abc news/us)
So, once again someone who took God into his own hands has hijacked a God and seems to think that HE is the spokesperson and gatekeeper for God’s wishes, will and way. And once again using HIS interpretation of God’s words HE is the presence on Earth to decide who is good, who is bad who is right and who is wrong. And again, in order to prove someone else is violent, HE encourages agitating behavior, incurs malicious intent, and demonstrates under HIS version of a Holy Book how evil human’s can be when THEY decide to play God. Anyone wants to question HIS values and views well they must also be agents of the devil and certainly not as Christian or self righteous, or God fearing as HE is as He picks and chooses excerpts from HIS Holy Book written by and for HIM.
Amazing to me, how God, can become so prejudiced, preoccupied and perplexed by differences. Amazing to me how God selects his mouthpieces from the billions of humans, to be those who have honed hate into a fine tuned instrument. Amazing to me how the greatness of God seems to be so frail to some that only THEY can rectify the injustices supposedly inflicted by others by creating more infection and insidious behavior. Amazing how so many who really know the power, will, goodness and love God does have, remain silent while so many others try and hijack God.
Somehow the red white and blue of this country can not be red enough unless bloodshed is spilled by others. Onward Christian soldiers to lead the charge but of course let others die in the pursuit of purification of a God only You seem to know and understand.
I believe in God and in my own humble way can’t understand the blasphemy and BS vehemently, virulently portrayed by people like Pastor Jones and his lemming like parishioners. In my world God can help find answers and not create the problems. In my world the evil done is done by people who pronounce themselves as prophets, false prophets and profit from the fear, loathing and ignorance of folk who need blame to make their lives better.
Once again God, in the name of religion, has been hijacked.
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