Friday, April 1, 2011

so suddenly

Suddenly rich people, who own millions and millions of dollars are best buds with people who either work for them at minimum wage or once worked for them before their jobs were shipped over seas. Suddenly it's the rich people whose bank accounts take priority over the health care needs, social services and daily bread of middle class, elderly, poor. Suddenly rich people like CEO's of Financial Institutions, Corporations, Oil Companies, Real Estate Conglomerates are the victims of an economic downturn inspired by their own need for greed and little concern about rules and regulations. Suddenly the Republican/Bagger has more to do with the well to do then anyone else.

Suddenly the deficit can be solved if only we remove any reproductive rights for women and replace them with state sanctioned regulations on their own bodies. Suddenly jobs, jobs, jobs can only increase when we stop protecting those from making a sane salary, allowing arbitration and bargaining, and destroying child labor laws. Suddenly jobs first is second to denying gay rights, women's rights, and labor rights. Suddenly all that talk about jobs and the economy and the deficit is usurped by the morals and ethics as described and proscribed by such esteem Republican/Baggers as Gingrich, Bachmann, Huckabee, Paul and Trump. Suddenly hypocrisy has taken precedent over truth.

Suddenly fact is an irritant and irrelevant when it does not jive with the bias and bigotry espoused by false prophets and politicians who would rather do as I say and not as I do. Suddenly if truth did not prove the point then a lie which fits much better into finessing the finagling is suddenly pronounced as honest to God, no matter if it is said by some very Un-God like people. Suddenly it is not what you meant but how you say it, and if you say it with as much disenfranchisement as possible about others who can never be like you, what you meant means a whole lot more. Suddenly O'Reilly, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity need nothing but innuendo, hate and tons of promotion of fear to keep us versus them paid in full by the Koch Brothers, Walton Family and Target Corporation to eliminate any proven fact or sensible argument.

Suddenly, slowly but hopefully surely, the part of America that can identify truth from fiction, that got lost in false promises and even falser hope is realizing that the bums voted out were not as much of a bum as the ones they voted in. Suddenly the writing that was on the wall is being viewed by those so blinded by Republican rhetoric and Bagger bull shit. Suddenly, has not come too suddenly and sure hope it does not take forever to make sudden changes.

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