Sunday, April 3, 2011

stop the madness

In second grade at Linen School it was Mrs. Parks. She had the whole class learn about the PA Turnpike and gave us stories and lessons about all the towns along that toll road. In fourth grade it was Mrs. Eisenberg. She encouraged all of us to tell stories and rewrite the endings to match the various emotions people experienced. In fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade it was Miss Cyphers who introduced the world of the Pittsburgh Symphony. She took her classes to Carnegie Music Hall and introduced us to the creativity, beauty and mesmerizing world of classical music. In tenth grade it was Mrs Thurman who brought the world of literature alive. She helped her students find the relevance of classics to the everyday existence of their own lives. In eleventh and twelfth grade it was Mrs. Musoff. Creative writing, speech, drama all their energy all their expressiveness all of their potential all of that and how I was talented enough to use them and find my own talent through them. Miss Bernstein, my teacher who helped me in my student teaching curriculum dedicated to her students , their welfare, their lives.

All these teachers had an amazing impact on my growing up, my youth, my life, and now I find from the mouths and minds of the Republican/Baggers that these people were just sheep in wolf's clothing and all they were doing was draining the budgets of state coffers. I now come to find out that these people fooled me into thinking they were true Americans when in actuality they were socialists, communists against anything capitalism stands for. All of these hero's were greedy selfish individuals who had ulterior motives and by joining unions, by asking for fair pay and fair retirement were stealing the dollars from the children and grandchildren of millionaires.

My Dad and his Fraternal Order of Police union cops in Pittsburgh they were not red blooded Americans. My Dad and his fellow cops had set the stages for the downfall of America by making $9000 a year and asking for some retirement benefits. My dad and his buddies all dressed in police blue uniforms might as well have been wearing brown shirts and marching to the national anthem of the NAZI's. My Dad and his commie friends walking the beat, delivering babies, keeping the angry calm, arresting burglars had selfish motives in working for the city, they wanted the kids and grand kids of everyone else to go into debt. My dad and his co-working Cops and the Firefighters who shared the same building were secretly setting in motion a dismantling of American society, and taking away potential income from the rich and the dumb.

Teachers, policemen, firefighters, nurses, public employees suddenly the amount of money they earn is so great it has created a burden for state budgets, especially those states whose majority of elected officials are Republican/Baggers. Tax breaks for the wealthy, tax cuts for corporations, tax exceptions for those who could afford a cadre of lawyers suddenly it is the wealthy who need protection and must not be denied from keeping any of their money. Cutting programs, incomes, benefits of the middle class and poor, suddenly that will salvage the state budgets. Cutting minimum wage, extending the years an older worker must work, over looking health and safety regulations, suddenly that will save the deficit.

Take from the poor, give to the rich. Deny services for the poor, let the rich keep all their frills and fancy, blame the worker, not the employer, let them eat cake!

In my life I have had so many people who worked in unions, did not work in unions but whose working conditions became safer due to union standards, needed public clinics because they could not afford health care, became unemployed and needed the $250 a week just to buy food, taught in public schools, worked in emergency rooms old age homes, walked the beat, put out fires, saved the day. And now we are to believe it is their selfishness that is making and has made America poor.

How many suckers are born every minute to believe for one minute any of this is true? I sometimes wonder how stupid people become stupid, how selfish self serving people can become even more selfish, how sore it must get to constantly point your fingers at someone else for the stupid choices you and only you made for your own life?

It is so the time to STOP THIS MADNESS! We have to cause if we don't it will be too late to turn back.

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