Thursday, March 31, 2011

i don't get it!

Tax breaks and incentives with over $60 billion given to the oil companies. And at the same time there is a hue and cry to cut social services for the poor, the elderly, the disabled and the unemployed. Cut the spending we are told but don't even consider raising the tax rate on the wealthy and God forbid the Corporations. America is about Capitalism and Capitalism is the motivator that makes the successful succeed and the lazy learn how to work. Does not matter we have seen the rich grow wealthier and the poor on the verge of hopelessness, but cut, cut, cut cause that makes America more red, white, and blue. I just don't get it!

So, now we need to cut funds for Planned Parenthood because among the many things they do including providing an outlet of care for women, education on becoming pregnant including the responsibilities,cost and care of a child, the values and responsibilities of having a family, they also provide a variety of choices in not becoming pregnant and if you are pregnant the freedom of deciding if the rape, irrational action need more consideration. And the same folk who seem to think that Planned Parenthood is bad for the health and welfare of women want to cut social service funds for children, women and families. So the group of Pro Lifers who insist they have more power over women's reproductive rights then actual women want the baby born and once born couldn't care less how it eats, is educated or where it lives. I just don't get it!

And we were told as people wore three pointed hats decorated by dangling tea bags, that America has spent too much of our money and enough was enough. We were scared by gun toting Second Amendment Right self identified Americans that according to Jesus and the Founding Fathers freedom meant less government, and no imposition on our personal lives. We were told that the deficit and jobs, jobs, jobs were JOB ONE along with smaller government by the Republicans/Baggers and when elected real CHANGE the kind real Americans want would CHANGE America. And what we have seen from Republican/Bagger dominated state Legislatures and Governors are bills that have little to do with finding jobs or working on the deficit but lots of energy on denying women rights to their own bodies, unions to exist, child labor laws being overturned, cutting unemployment benefits,limiting services for those living in poverty and any right for gay and Lesbians. I just don't get it!

And as America is being torn into we vs they, rich vs poor, haves vs have nots, interest in corporations vs lack of concern for the middle class, tax breaks for the wealthy vs, social services cut backs for working class and poor we still have people wanting to run for President of this country like Bachmann, Huckabee, Trump, Barbour and Gingrich who on their best days act like an earthquake making more and more divisions on the American landscape and I don't get it!

I don't get it and have not gotten it for a while. And the fact that all of this is still happening is very, very, very frustrating.

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