A federal appeals court in San Francisco has denied an appeal to allow gay marriages to resume in California while the Proposition 8 case works its way through the legal appeal process.(msnbc.com)
And in the meanwhile let’s start guessing how many heterosexual marriages will end in divorce until this case works its way through the legal process…how many married partners will dabble in adultery…how many times will some one say I do to yet another partner…how many married people will be charged with infidelity?
And in the meanwhile let’s start wondering how many life partners within the LGBT community will not be permitted to sit by the bedside of their dying loved one…will not be permitted at the funeral of their loved one by other family members…how many people together for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years still get no recognition as a spouse…how many Preachers, Pastors, Rabbi’s Ministers will claim that America will fall into hell if Gays marry?
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is currently seeking to raise individual income taxes---primarily on elderly and poor Michiganders---by some$1.7 billion per year. Snyder is asking some of Michigan’s most vulnerable families to hand all this money over to businesses, in the form of a roughly $1.8 billion business tax cut. (abovetopsecret.com)
And in the meanwhile let’s start guessing if the elderly, the poor will decide which month they will splurge on paying their rent or their pharmacy bills, or visit the doctor or buy groceries? Which month will permit them, (after paying an increase in taxes), enough money for the poor to buy books for their kids, to have enough money to buy fruits and vegetables instead of the 99cent meals at McDonalds, enough money for clothes? Which month will the elderly find enough cash to visit the doctor on his/her own free will instead of being driven to emergency room in an ambulance?
And in the meanwhile let’s start wondering what the businesses and corporations will do with those extra billions in tax breaks? Will they just leave it in the bank adding to the existing trillions in profit, crying that they are still not sure of the political environment so it is too early to invest in hiring? Will they insist that the only way they can keep qualified CEO’s is to pay them millions in salary; you know the CEO’s who have taken any steps to not outsource jobs, create new jobs? And how many businesses will look the other way as the Republican/Baggers shout from one side of their mouth jobs, jobs job while from the extreme opposite of their mouth the Republican/Baggers scream but not for all Americans.
Women in South Dakota who want to terminate a pregnancy will now have to wait 72 hours, according to an abortion bill in South Dakota that was signed into law Tuesday. Supporters of House Bill 1217 say the heart of the new law is coercion.
Chris Hupke, president of South Dakota's Family Policy Council, says the state's main abortion provider is not addressing the coercion.(msncb.com)
And in the meanwhile women are once again being reminded that others (in particular, men) know more about their psyche, bodies and reproductive rights then they do. And in the meanwhile women are reminded that they once were no more than chattel and with the passing of a bill in Republican/Bagger legislature they can be reduced to being dumb blonds who are only as good as men permit them to be. And in the meanwhile the same group of predominately male legislators is humming the Republican/Bagger party line that agencies like Planned Parenthood are of the devils disciples and all they do is coerce women to obtain abortions. In the meanwhile it is promoted that Planned Parenthood’s only reason for existence is to teach those pesky women how to have sex, (maybe to then have some poor innocent man spend even more money on a baby or a court case) and then spend good government money that could be used to offset the Democratic/Progressive inspired deficit and go to Planned Parenthood and abort, baby abort!
And in the meanwhile the legislators of 26 states have decided that the law protecting a women’s right to decide upon her reproductive rights is not the way America thinks. In the meanwhile these same Republican/Bagger elected officials don’t want America to think for themselves and would rather have ALL of us use their interpretation of the Bible to demonstrate the correct morals and values written in invisible ink in the Constitution. And in the meanwhile, while a woman is supposedly being coerced by Planned Parenthood to have an abortion, these same legislators crusaders for God want to coerce or is it intimidate these women into making a decision about their bodies based on particular religious values in a country supposedly with a line in the sand between church and state.
In the meanwhile groups of people are being denied their rights to be realized as equals in a nation that found its identity on freedom and justice for all. In the meanwhile government seems to want to be bigger for the wealthy, the religious zealots, the bigoted and bias, and it demands to become smaller if you are Gay, Elderly, Female, Poor.
In the meanwhile while all of this happening or will happen people are suffering and somehow their cries are being smothered. In the meanwhile we are permitting the insane to run the asylum.
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