Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In 1972 George Carlin presented the viewing public with a skit called “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television”. At the time, the words were considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for broadcast on the public airwaves in the United States whether on radio or television.

In 1972, it seemed that via the input from religious leaders, people of supposed etiquette and upbringing, the czars of media there were seven words which carried with them a taboo so severe that the remitter of those words would surely perish in Satan’s anti American firestorm.

In 2011 it seems that there is a word that the Republicans, elected by a majority of Tea Baggers, are not permitted to pronounce for fear that their Christian Conservative Membership Card will be revoked, leading to many questions of their true identity as an American and that word is COMPROMISE. It seems in the eyes of the Baggers compromise is a word used by quitters, by sissies, by one lacking enough venom and hate, by Communists and Socialists, by haters of anything red, white and blue. So, if any politician of the Republican/Bagger ilk wants to even consider finding consensus he/she must use the phrase COMMON GROUND. And even then, they (the users of such a blasphemous phrase) must be guarded and verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry discrete.

In the land where right is right and left is wrong, the lemming like followers of the politicians paid for by the Koch Brothers and their gang of billionaires have been told that the American way, the Christian way, the Conservative way does not include finding compromise, consensus with anyone who does not toe the party line of just saying no first followed by my way only, second. Compromise is weakness, it is not God like, and it is not what the founding fathers who along with Jesus, intended when they wrote the Constitution.

According to the Bagger Brigade and their politician puppets, John Boehner, Eric Kantor, Orrin Hatch, obstinacy is a sign of strength, refusal of truth if it relates to any kind of give and take, power, and any dialogue that includes ‘your point may be well taken’, sinful. Providing an honest ear to the other side permits the machinations of a Liberal/Progressive army of Communists, Socialists and Nazi’s who only want to weaken and destroy Democracy in this nation to win.

George Carlin, found ways to better describe the words that would freeze your tongue if muttered and by the time his routine was finished, we all knew exactly which words he was referring to. His point was simple, who exactly will turn to stone if the same words used everyday by everyday people were uttered on television, on the radio or in newsprint? His efforts were more than valiant as in turn the question of questionable words found its way to the Supreme Court for their deliberation.

If the majority of non Tea Bagger people in this country want the politicians to find COMPROMISE, want the politicians to cater to the good of the many not the biases of the few, to discuss and dialogue, comment and converse on both the pro and con, finding COMPROMISE, saying the word COMPROMISE out loud, then we had better ratchet up the noise.

George Carlin demonstrated the hypocrisy of the supposed curse of saying the seven words out loud, stating that none of the words brought harm to anyone and in fact many times made thing clearer. We with sane heads and functioning brains must insist that COMPROMISE is not anti American but the heart and soul of what this nation stands for.

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