When you can't find the answer to employment but profess jobs, jobs, jobs are the numero uno priority, and really have no intention of creating jobs, turn to God. When you swear its all about jobs and you have ways to find them for all Americans but are not quite ready to share them turn to religion. When you say there is a better way to find work for all Americans use the unemployment mavens from Focus on the Family, the 700 Club, the anti abortion terrorists, National Organization for Marriage, The Family Research Council and the families from the Walton's, Prince's, and Koch's and speak loudly against same sex marriage, women's reproductive rights and unions/ collective bargaining and just utter promises that once we clear this nation of the devil and his devious demons we can begin to look for jobs.
When you are wealthy, really rich, the kind of rich that you have so many tax attorney's you need not pay any tax, no matter how in favor the tax code is for your circumstances, just insist as you buy politicians, Supreme Court activists judges that too much profit is never enough. Spend some of your income on a marketing agency that will swear on a stack of Bibles that we all can have more money if we disband unions, keep tax cuts for wealthy Americans, cut back on social services for people who now will have less income to spend on any social services, and make sure there are no rules or regulations for things like Finances/Banking, Health Care and Environment. Raise the American flag, pledge allegiance and call anyone who wants to diminish the crevice the huge yawning deep cavernous divide between the have's and the have not's as Communists, Fascists, Socialists. And by all means keep the dumb who follow like lemmings as stupid as possible. Make promises you never intend to deliver and keep the money flowing for the wealthy.
When you live in America of 2011 and watch as Republican/Bagger Governors and Legislatures increase tax cuts for corporations while disbanding collective bargaining and unions, cut programs for seniors the disabled, insist on big government intervention for women's reproductive rights, accuse teachers as the reason for state deficits, insist that no same sex couple will marry in my state and you have not begun to worry and wonder why...you must be living in a cave.
When the truth is no longer important, historical facts meaningless, the privacy of peoples personal lives more important than employment and keeping the wealthy wealthier seem to be the only things the Republican/Baggers shout and stomp about and you are not scared...you must be dead.
When this is what America is beginning to look like and you don't seem to care...shame on you, shame!
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