Monday, March 14, 2011 trying

Try again next year. To the LGBT community living in Maryland if you want equal rights when it comes to marriage, try again next year. It seems equal rights don’t follow the religious values of some Marylanders who confuse this nation as one that only follows the rules and regulation established in the Judea/Christian dogma and not the words of the Constitution. Seems members of the Catholic Church in Maryland don’t want men who love men to marry, or women who love women to wed. Building a loving home, a solid family is the task of heterosexuals in Maryland according to the Catholic Church and that Church would rather spend their time denying their role in child molestation then supporting LGBT families who as a family will raise their children with love and respect.

Try again next year. Yep you Gays and Lesbians you seem to offend a great portion of the Black community in Maryland with your arrogant display of unconditional love for same sex partners. Maryland is a Christian state and as good Christians loving only happens when it is one man and one woman. Many members of churches with a majority of Black parishioners just could not accept one man loving one man or one woman loving one woman. How short memories become when they are filled with bias and bigotry. It was a bunch of predominately white churches in Maryland and throughout this nation who preached that God did not want the races to marry and have multi-colored children. Truth is told said the Preachers and Ministers it would be an abomination mixing the races. It was many predominately white churches whose preachers read portions of their skewed Bible stating that Blacks were not equal to whites. But that was then.

Try again soon. In California we tried it once, it worked then it was denied with much hoo-hah and hooliganism by the Church of Latter Day Saints. Yep, it was a big moneyed push by the Mormon Church stemming all the way from Utah stating that love is not love unless it is one man loving one woman and one woman as long as she realized she was chattel loving one man. The minute the Gays lined up to get licenses and say ‘I do’ there was a hurricane force of divorces from the straights because the institution of marriage was about to topple, did you feel the wind blowing and hear God crying?

The Church elders in Utah got together with the Evangelicals and the Orthodox Jews each reciting their own Bibles as reason why equality was not equal for all Americans if in fact they were Gay. Seems there was silence about the adulterers, cheaters, abusers, currently married, not on Gods radar, but a loud noise about denying the rights of those who simply love and through that love wish to marry.

Try next year, try again. No one is in a hurry. Nope, if you loved someone for 20, 30, years what is one more year? So what if they die before you say I do, if you are Gay you are going to hell anyway. So what if you are raising kids, they must be bastard kids anyway? So what if you want equal not separate but equal, the founding fathers did not have the LGBT community in mind (like they did not have women or blacks in mind) when they wrote the Constitution!

Try again…wonder how great of a nation we would have become if we tried and tried and tired again never finishing what we tried... women’s suffrage civil rights, interracial marriage, voting rights. Try again…wonder how many believers of the wrong God, the wrong interpretation of the Bible, the wrong religion would have been burned to death, punished jailed if the Founding Fathers hadn’t made it clear of the separation between church and state. Try again…seems some citizens of this Nation have a lapse in memory of the times they were in the minority, denied of their rights living a separate not equal life. Try again for what, equality!

I am sick of trying for something that is rightfully mine!

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