Friday, March 11, 2011

wide world of wonder

Just makes me wonder:

If I have three houses and times are bad I might have to sell one of the three homes to make my own economics better. So instead of a winter and summer vacation home I must choose a season and live in that home and then endure the trauma of a regular year round abode. If I have only one house and times are bad and I must foreclose or abandon my home where do I live? Do I move into the second home of very wealthy people?

If I am Newt Gingrich full of red white and blue patriotism and that American spirit courses through my body finding its way to my libido and eventually my sexual organs, do I just salute the flag singing God Bless America or take that star spangled glory and cheat on my first, and second wife while schtooping my girlfriend/future third wife? Do I blame my overzealous affair on my love for America never once stating that I am just a selfish hypocritical horn dog? And as I express my mea culpa do I assume there are so many stupid people out there that I even think this cock and bull story will permit them to stop thinking of me as a cocky bull and instead place me in the White House?

If I am a teacher, a firefighter, a sanitation worker, a nurse and I want to eat, pay my rent, pay attention to my medical needs should I decide each and every month which one I can afford to do? Should I enjoy the explanation that because of my selfish need to eat, live and stay healthy this country is in a deep recession? Should I then worry that if I do not give up on simple pleasures like food, doctors, housing the very rich will suffer?

If I am a member of the Oil Cartel of America, receiving generous tax breaks and subsidies for drilling baby drilling, avoiding many EPA standards for cleaner air, cleaner energy, being told by the activist jurists of the Supreme Court that like every other citizen of this nation I have rights should I try to do my fair share in this time of economic downturn and unrest? With the so called rise in prices for crude thus creating a rise in gasoline prices for American drivers should I maybe try and earn one less billion in profits by not passing on the rise in the price of a barrel of oil to the consumer? Should I look out for all of America or just reward my CEOs and shareholders and oh yeah the Politicians who let me run the country?

If I am a born again preacher proclaiming God is my best bud, say like Mike Huckabee or a part time governor full time reality star, sex educator say like Sarah Palin, or a Confederate States shall rise again the Civil War had little to do with slavery governor say like Haley Barbour and I am caught on video or audio lying, fabricating just mis-representing the truth should I ‘fess up’ to my indiscretions as the good Christian I claim to be, or should I blame everyone else for not hearing what I said? Should I continue to discover the devil that dwells in all those who disagree with the way I believe life should be lived our do I forget that the devil is in the details and no one needs to know my details are very shady?

As an American should I continue to believe that the rants and raves from Republican/Tea Bag operatives is only about deficit reduction less government and nothing else as they continue to reward the rich and pulverize the poor? Should I take them at their word that smaller government provides more freedoms as they stop me from owning my own body, loving and marrying who I wish, stopping me from believing in the God of my choice, denying me access to health care? Should I believe them when they say funding for NPR is wasteful but supplying NASCAR with millions is the American way? Should I just acquiesce to the fact that democracy is better when you permit people like the Koch Brothers and their pay to play lemmings define it for you as they see fit?

Perhaps if I wonder about these things, I can stop worrying that life in America is headed toward the dark ages. Perhaps if I wonder about these things I can face the facts that life in America will be so full of the haves and have not’s, the healthy and the ill, the Evangelical Christians waiting for the resurrection and the rest of the world waiting to rot in hell I’ll be okay. Perhaps if I wonder about these things then those who preach--- do as I say not as I do, who say--- its written in the Constitution not the form you have but the one I Xeroxed, who pronounce--- greed and gluttony is good, mere existence is bad, then I can understand that by doing nothing to stop this insanity I am just passively going with the flow. You know the flow that ends in a huge abyss.

Just makes me wonder in this wide world of wonder...

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