I am quite curious. I wonder so often how one plus one never seems to equal two when it comes to solving issues of human proportions:
We hear that eliminating safety net programs of the Federal Government, cutting back on social services, eliminating the protections unions provide for working families, defunding programs for people with disabilities, denying Gays and Lesbians the right to adopt kids who otherwise will stay in foster homes are suggested so OUR children will not have to pay the price of an out of this world deficit. We hear that these are tough cuts that must be made so OUR children do not suffer the consequences when they become adults.
What I never hear is that if we currently have less income, work in an unsafe environment, have inadequate or unaffordable health care, must live on the streets, remain living in an environment as a kid which tosses us about from one family to another... how exactly are any of us going to be able to do anything RIGHT NOW in helping those same kids we are supposedly saving from a horrible future, to actually arrive at that future? If families are broken up over finances, if poverty creeps into the family home, if unhealthy parents can not work, if priorities must made for just the essentials so any other kind of parenting can not take place THEN how will OUR children even have the tools by which to thrive in the future? Gets me curious to figure that out!
We are told by those who call them Gods soldiers, Pro Lifers (just the life of the fetus), that abortion is an abysmal behavior by careless and Godless individuals. We see them patrol women’s health clinics, we see them brandish guns in churches, and we watch as they harass women, nurses, doctors and we are told that life is something left to God. We hear, see witness all of this with the message that it is being done for OUR children.
What I never hear is that murder of those who choose to assist women with their reproductive rights is wrong. I don’t hear how all lives; if in fact they are created by God do count on an equal basis. I never hear how a mother carrying her child deserves the same attention as her fetus; the physician helping to keep the mother healthy is equaled as much as the fetus. I never hear how once the child is born into poverty or a home of uneducated adults, a broken home, as far as raising children is concerned, how those same groups plan on keeping that saved fetus from living a life full of no poverty, good health related issues and fuller, complete education? If life is so God like to preserve then how come it is NOT God like to make it thrive? We hear passages from the Bible but never see Bible like actions to help OUR children build a future. Gets me curious to figure that out!
We are told that the only way to cut the deficit is to cut spending. Not just any spending but spending reserved for unemployment, health care, education, infrastructure, seniors, disabled, retirement, single moms, and the homeless. We are told that many of the individuals who need these so called ‘social net’ services have abused the system, are lazy, should look for religious or private donations to help them take care of their careless and carefree lives. We must cut these programs so OUR children do not have to pay the piper in the future.
What I never hear is why the wealthy do not have to make sacrifices to curb our children’s future from failing. I never hear how even with corporations receiving tax breaks as they did for the past 10 years starting with the Bush Tax Breaks, the corporations have yet to hire more employees even though the intent of corporate dole was to create jobs. I never hear how the tax breaks for the Oil Cartels has yet to produce any significant break through in cleaner energy development. All I hear is that its for the children that we keep the wealthy, rich, the corporations from paying their fair share, and the Oil Cartel can still drill baby drill. What I think I hear that is that all we do is for the CHILDREN of the wealthy, the Corporate CEO’s, the Oil Cartel whose future will be better. Gets me curious to figure that out!
We hear we are all a Judea/Christian nation and that we are all God’s children. We hear that life is valued, is sacred, is important. Then we hear that it costs way too much to provide universal health care to every citizen in this nation. We hear that Pharmaceutical Cartels need to raise the price of their inventions, invented supposedly to save lives. We hear that a clean environment is too costly to the bottom lines for the share holders. We hear that abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancies and no other way should be suggested. We hear that it is too much like socialism if we explain how obesity, unhealthy eating habits can be changed. We hear that as many rounds of ammunition or as many guns as you own are okay. We hear that God hates Gays so any loving family they want to create is bad.
What I never hear is how do we actually take our belief in God, a higher power and perform human miracles to make life better, healthier, safer for ALL Americans and all OUR children. What I never hear is a debate on why the bottom line for corporations and the wealthy takes precedent on the bottom line of liberty and justice for all? What I never hear is why the dollar amount to living a full life is seemingly so expensive when that life is someone in the middle class, lower class or living in poverty? What I never hear is how OUR kids will, we say we are doing all this for, make it to the future when we abandon the road upon which they walk and set up dangerous detours. Gets me curious to figure that out!
They say curiosity kills the cat, I say without being curious we will all die way too soon if we don’t speak up and let our curiosity turn into answers.
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