Monday, February 28, 2011

different demographics

"Every state has different demographics, every state has different problems," said Senator Orin Hatch of the health care reform effort while speaking to a Republican student group at Utah State University on Friday. "It's good to allow them to work out their own problems rather than a one-size-fits-all federal government dumb-ass program. It really is an awful piece of crap." (

Senator Hatch is a Mormon and his state of Utah had a whole different standard for those who were Mormons as to their definition of marriage. The politicos and the Church elders had to conform to the standards of the other states to even consider joining the Union. Seems the greater good of the Utah Territory was to abide by a Federal consensus to enjoy all of the perks of belonging to the United States. There was at the time, a greater good that had to supersede the smaller habit.

Within the demographics of the Southern states a whole different idea of who should be a free man and who should be a slave existed.The Confederacy worked out their differences by creating something called a Civil War. Then in the 60’s the southern states also had a whole different idea about who should drink from a fountain, sit at counter and go to a public school according to their demographic needs. The Southern states said they had a whole different demographic and needed to be respected in their form of segregation, equal but separate was okay for the Southern states and too bad if the Liberal Northern states didn’t agree.

In 1869 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton realized that women were citizens of the United States and as citizens should have the same voting rights as men. They realized that this issue was greater then each state to determine, according to their demographics, if women had the right to vote. But the male dominated Federal government didn’t agree. The chauvinistic men in government seemed to be afraid of the power of women and refused to make this issue a Federal right. So slowly and slower some states agreed for the women’s right to vote and if you didn’t live in those states you were a second class citizen. As Senator Hatch proudly proclaims each state has their own problems, so I guess as a woman in the mid 1800’s you were no problem by not voting and would have been a greater problem if you were equal to men.

Anti-miscegenation laws, also known as miscegenation laws, were laws that enforced racial segregation at the level of marriage and intimate relationships by criminalizing interracial marriage and sometimes also sex between members of two different “races.” Typically defining miscegenation as a felony, these laws prohibited the solemnization of weddings between persons of different races and prohibited the officiating of such ceremonies. Sometimes, the individuals attempting to marry would not be held guilty of miscegenation itself, but felony charges of adultery or fornication would be brought against them instead. (Wikipedia)

Seems using Senator Hatch’s logic, each state has its own set of circumstances and until 1967, when the Supreme Court held that laws against mixed marriages was unconstitutional , each state could dictate who it deemed as second class citizens based primarily on religious dogma bigotry and bias. Dogmas remained the states right, until the Supreme Court ruled interracial marriage was not at the whim of the unique hatred of each state and proclaimed each state did not have the right to discrimination.

Senator Hatch is trying hard to win the favor of the Tea Bag Movement. He had been put on notice when his ex counter-part in the Senate, Bob Bennett was relieved as the Republican candidate during the 2010 election for not being considered bigoted and biased enough. Senator hatch was warned you had better hate harder. Senator Hatch as matter of self preservation has little to do with thinking via his conscience, and more to do with just a self serving need for power regardless of truth or value.

The leadership of the Tea Bag movement takes little time to read history or look at a greater good. They rely on hearsay and say they want smaller government but not when it comes to how we live our personal lives. Big government is okay when it denies, health care, a clean environment, marriage rights, women’s reproductive rights and union’s rights including collective bargaining. Many of the leaders within the Republican party, having no backbone nor a clear conscience acquiesce to the desires of a band of hoodlums who want to highjack the Constitution and the freedoms it presents all of the citizens of the US.

Senator Hatch who touts himself as a true American and a religious man is a phony. When he uses words like ‘each state has different demographics’, he is simply saying not all people are created equal. And as both a religious man and an American he is a sham of a human being.

If this country considers all of its citizens as equal under the law, then the law must enforce equality no matter in which state you live!

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