Tuesday, February 22, 2011

whose america?

Whose America are we becoming?

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin wishes to do away with collective bargaining and hopefully disband unions. He wants to balance his states budget on the backs of teachers, maintenance workers, garbage collectors, correctional facility guards and any other group that earns a lower to middle class income. He says it is not a political maneuver, but in eliminating collective bargaining rights for unions, somehow the Governor has exempted the three unions which backed his campaign, local law enforcement, fire employees and state troopers. He says it is not about politics but somehow in balancing the budget, corporations and the ultra wealthy, vast contributors to his campaign will still receive tax breaks. Scary, that in their zeal to oust the Democrats and Progressives in Wisconsin the voters who did vote replaced the Liberals with a form of government using tactics that Hitler used in methodically turning his country into a Fascist state with no room for compromise.

In trying to become more Christian than Jesus, the Republican/Baggers have put notice to the country that Planned Parenthood would be on the chopping block for government funding. Small minded bigots who promised jobs, jobs, jobs and smaller government now want to expand their form of large government by controlling the reproductive rights of women. If any of these zealots would spend more time in reading the mission of Planned Parenthood and less time in finding passages from the New Testament to replace the passages in the Constitution, they would understand that Planned Parenthood educates women on the responsibility in having children and how to be responsible parents. That Planned Parenthood conducts health exams for women who have little to no health insurance. That Planned Parenthood is called Planned because it educates families on how to be loving, caring parents. Scary, in their zeal to fire the Progressives/Liberals in the Congress the voters who did vote have elected politicians who want to enlarge the government and establish morals police to govern how we have sex, with whom we have sex, and what how we treat our bodies.

“So be it”! House Speaker John Boehner said last Tuesday that the GOP plans to “get serious” about government spending, and if that means eliminating government jobs, “so be it.” If unemployment is already nearing 10% it doesn’t matter if we fire government employees, especially if they are jobs created by President Obama. Only Republican created jobs count and as of this date no new proposals for jobs has even been proposed by the Republican/Baggers. The deficit is big, but cutting jobs and entitlement programs is the only way to solve our problems so say the Republican/Baggers. Never mind that many of the cuts to the lower and middle class come from the expense generated by not increasing taxes for the ultra wealthy, or stopping tax breaks for oil companies, nope, those two groups pay for the campaigns of the Republican/Baggers. The party elected on the promise of jobs, jobs, jobs has spent their first weeks in office reciting an abridged version of the Constitution leaving out the parts they didn’t care for, planning on denying the Constitutional rights for women to have abortions, and trying hard to cut collective bargaining for union workers and trying to block honest “fair and balanced” radio and public television from receiving any government funds. Scary, in their zeal to eliminate any laws created by the Progressives/Liberals, in Congress, the voters who did vote elected politicians who believe the rich rule, the worker is a socialist, women once again are mere chattel and honest debate based on facts not heresy are not American values.

Whose America are we becoming when a smaller government is promised but not when it comes to the version of morals and values of self stated profits of God. Whose America are we becoming when health care, wages, social security for the majority of middle to lower class citizens is traded away so the top 2%of the wealthiest can keep more of their money? Whose America are we becoming when compromise, consent are replaced with my way or the highway, I am right and you are wrong, the Bible has more precedent than the Constitution? Whose America is it when lies replace truth, fiction replaces fact, and rewriting history to have it happen the way you wish is front and center and preached to a low intelligent community who base reality on what they see on FOX TV?

And whose America have we let this nation become, because many of us did NOT vote in the last election, thought our votes did not matter, wanted to vote the bums without thinking about the bums we voted in?

If the sane, the intelligent, the caring, democracy loving citizens in this nation do not stop the radical right from establishing the ground rules, this America will stop being the home of the free, the land of the brave. If we are removed from voting because we think our vote does not matter just whose America will this country become?

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