Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day

It is President's Day, 2011, and as we celebrate this holiday the countries in North Africa are staging a revolution trying to bring democracy to places in the world that have not seen the light of freedom for quite awhile. While in America we are seeing the exact opposite, with the Republican/Baggers trying to squelch any type of choices, freedoms or free thinking. In 2010 those who voted staged a rebellion of sorts electing into office people who promised a change, but only want to change this country into a Christian state, owned by billionaires creating chasms and chaos for the citizens of this great nation.

We heard all about jobs in this country and on President's Day we witness a Republican/Bagger Governor in Wisconsin funded by the Koch Brothers wanting to disband organized labor and rid the American public of any safety net that provides safe work places, fair wages, and equal opportunities and wanting to diminish any equity for those who still have jobs.

On President's Day we hear less about jobs and more about a Christian conservative plan to enforce their brand of family values and good Christian values. We hear from Missouri State Sen. Jane Cunningham (R) introducing a bill to minimize child labor laws. Family values but have the child in your family work longer hours and at more dangerous jobs. The constant denial of same sex couples to marry and have an in tack family, adopting kids who otherwise would remain in an orphanage or foster care home. Quite the Christian values when kids don't have the safety net of a legitimized household, or are denied a long lasting love by parents who want to share love for kids who seem to be tossed and tattered.

On Presidents Day we have Health Care Reform treated by the Republican/Baggers as evil for America. We hear how unconstitutional it is for all Americans to have access to fairly priced health insurance, but hear very little about the outrageous profits garnered by the for profit health insurers. We hear about how the average American must make sacrifices but very little about how the top 2% of ultra wealthy Americans can't have their tax bracket increase. We hear how bad the unemployment rate is and in the same breath are read the trillions of dollars just sitting in the coffers by corporations, who are not quite sure they are ready to take those profits and hire more workers.

On President's Day we watch a slew of potential Republican/Bagger people wanting to run for President, each spouting a more divisive and partisan platform on how certain people in this country will not matter if they are elected. We hear from Haley Barbour, Governor of Mississippi who isn't sure of the true cause of the Civil War, saying slavery was not the reason we went to war. Tim Pawlenty catering to the bigots by not saying the President is a citizen, but by saying if he says so then maybe he is. Donald Trump saying he does not like to do business with the Chinese. Newt Gingrich saying all Muslims must not be trusted as many of them might, just might be terrorists. Mike Huckabee stating this is a Christian country founded by the founding fathers without any separation between church and state. And these are just the tip of the iceberg of the division-ist and dividers from the Republican/Bagger party who want to become President.

It is President's Day in America, and with all that the Republican/Baggers are promising if they gain greater majorities in the Government I am so worried that all that past Presidents fought for will diminish and die.

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